Allow Non-Existent Customers
If you select this option, you can post orders for customers for whom you have not set up a record in Accounts Receivable.
Note: Selecting this option will not enable you to ship an order for a non-existent customer if you have activated Sage ERP Accpac integration with SageCRM and the order is linked to a SageCRM opportunity. Before you can ship an order that is linked to a SageCRM opportunity, you must open SageCRM and promote the customer to Accounts Receivable.
If you do not select the option, Order Entry prevents you from entering an order, a shipment, or an invoice for a customer for whom no record exists in Accounts Receivable.
Regardless of your choice, you will not be able to post an invoice in Accounts Receivable until you add the customer to your Accounts Receivable system.
Note: We suggest that you do not use this option in a multicurrency system, especially if the reporting currencies for customer tax groups do not match your customers' currencies.