Enhanced Online Customer, Pricing, and Credit Note Checks
Order Entry provides more online checking for customer credit ratings, allowing you to also include pending (unposted) amounts in Accounts Receivable, Order Entry, and other third-party applications. You change the credit check settings for pending transactions on the Processing tab of the A/R Options form.
You can set the credit limit balance for transactions in the individual customer records in A/R, and you can also set an overdue amount and number of days overdue in the A/R customer record.
You can have Order Entry check that item prices stay above a specified cost or margin, and have the program post a warning message or an error message or require approval before allowing the price to vary more than a specified amount. (Price checks are set on the Price Check tab of the Price List Codes form in Inventory Control.)
Order Entry can also trigger a warning or error condition if a credit note has previously been posted for an invoice. You can set Order Entries control over credit notes on the Processing tab of the O/E Options form.