Transaction Processing
This topic presents a brief overview of how posting, day-end processing, and audit trails relate to transaction processing in Order Entry. The types of transactions in Order Entry are orders, invoices, and credit notes.
Online posting
Order Entry uses online transaction processing rather than batch processing. This means that each transaction is posted when you enter it.
Posting updates quantities
When you post transactions, Order Entry immediately updates item quantities in Inventory Control so you always know your inventory levels.
If you choose to cost inventory in I/C during posting, then posting also updates accounting and statistical information. Otherwise, everything else is done by Day End Processing.
Day End updates everything else
Unless you choose to cost inventory in I/C during posting, you must run Day End Processing in Inventory Control to update Order Entry sales statistics, sales commissions, and audit information, and to create a batch of Accounts Receivable summary invoices and credit notes.
In addition, Day End Processing updates costing information, item and sales statistics, and audit information in Inventory Control with the posted transactions (unless you cost inventory during posting).
If necessary, you can run Day End Processing several times a day to keep this information more current.
Transaction lists
You can print summary or detail listings of all orders, invoices, and credit notes until the transactions are deleted from the Order Entry program.
Keeping transaction history
If you selected the Keep Transaction History option in the Order Entry Options form, the program will keep this information until you remove it using the Clear History form. You can print transaction lists, reprint invoices and credit notes, and view transactions in the original transaction-entry forms and in the Salesperson Inquiry form until you clear transaction history.
If you do not keep transaction history, Order Entry will automatically delete completed transactions when you run Day End Processing. Order Entry considers the following transactions to be completed:
Orders with a Completed status.
Invoices and credit notes that you have printed.
This means that if you do not keep history, you cannot print a transaction list for completed orders (or printed invoices and credit notes) after you run Day End Processing.
Posting journals
You can print posting journals for invoices and credit notes after running Day End Processing in Inventory Control.
You can keep posting journals until you remove the information using the Clear History form. However, you cannot remove the information for a particular day-end sequence until you have printed the posting journals.
Day End Processing
For information about day-end processing, see Day End Processing.