Calculating Sales Taxes
Order Entry calculates a sales tax amount automatically if:
The Calculate Tax option on the Order tab is selected. (The option is selected by default.)
The customer is subject to tax. You enter the tax classes and tax registration numbers for each customer in the Accounts Receivable Customers form. However, you can change this information on the Taxes tab of the Order/Invoice Entry form for individual orders.
The order contains taxable items or taxable miscellaneous charges. Item tax classes are set up in Inventory Control, but you can change the tax classes for an individual detail line by opening the zoomed Detail form (select the detail line and press F9) while editing the detail. You can also change the setting for whether tax is included in or excluded from the price of the item.
You specify the tax rates for the tax authorities and classes in Tax Services. Order Entry calculates sales tax using the rates defined for the customer tax class and item tax classes for each authority that can levy taxes on the customer.
See also