Order Types
The type of order you are entering determines how the order is processed.
Active Orders. An active order is an order that you expect to fill in a normal period of time. An active order may also contain items on backorder, or be on hold. If the order is not on hold, you can post and print an invoice for shipped goods.
Future Orders. A future order is an order to be filled on the future date you specify. When you run Day End Processing on that date, the order is automatically activated and posted.
Standing Orders. A standing order is an order that is filled regularly for the same customer, or for different customers.
Quotes. A quote is an order with an expiration date. When you run Day End Processing on that date, the quote is removed from the system. If a quote is accepted by the customer before the expiration date, you can change the order type to Active to save you re-entering the order details.