Accumulating Sales Statistics for Reporting
Order Entry can keep sales statistics from your posted orders, invoices, and credit notes. You can review the statistics as far back as the oldest year for which you keep this information by printing the Sales Statistics report.
Keep Sales Statistics option
To save sales statistics for reporting, select the Keep Sales Statistics option on the Processing tab in the O/E Options form. Order Entry keeps the following statistics:
Order totals — number of orders, total sales lost, and average sales lost.
Invoices — number of invoices, net quantity sold, net sales amount, cost of sales, margin percent, net invoice amount, average amount, and largest and smallest invoices, with associated customers.
Credit notes — number of credit notes, average amount, and largest and smallest credit notes, with associated customers.
If you keep statistics, you must also decide:
Whether to allow editing of statistics. Use the Allow Edit Of Statistics option.
How you want to group statistics. Use the Accumulate By and Period Type options. (In the Small Business Edition, you can only accumulate statistics by fiscal year and period.)
If you do not save sales statistics, the Sales Statistics report shows only zeroes.
Turning off statistics accumulation
You can turn the Keep Sales Statistics option on or off at any time. If you turn off the option after you have used it, Order Entry immediately stops saving statistics when you run day-end processing, although it retains those already collected until you clear them using the Clear History form. If you turn on the option again, there will be a gap in the collected information corresponding to the period when the option was not used.