Choosing G/L Integration Options

Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry 6.0

Choosing G/L Integration Options

Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry produces general ledger transactions for all posted shipments.

If you use Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger, Order Entry creates batches of transactions right in General Ledger, where you can edit and post them. If you use another general ledger system, or if your Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger system is at another location, Order Entry creates batches you can import into your general ledger, or print, then enter manually into your general ledger.

The Integration tab of the G/L Integration form provides options for producing general ledger transactions in the form and at the time that best suits your requirements.

It also displays the last day end number for which you created general ledger transactions, as well as the day end number that will be assigned when you next run Day End Processing.

Reporting General Ledger Data

You can print the G/L Transactions report, a listing of the general ledger transactions created by Order Entry, whether or not you post batches in General Ledger.

Specifying When and How to Create General Ledger Transactions

Using the Integration tab of the G/L Integration form, you can:

  • Specify when to create general ledger transaction batches.

    You can create them automatically when you post transactions or when you run day-end processing in Inventory Control, or you can use the Create G/L Batch form to create general ledger batches at a later time that you choose.

    • On Request Using Create G/L Batch Icon. To create general ledger batches only when you are ready, select On Request Using Create G/L Batch Icon. When you are ready to create general ledger transactions, you use the Create G/L Batch form.

    Also, you must select this option if you wish to print the G/L Transactions report in Order Entry or if you want to consolidate transactions in Order Entry.


    • If you cost inventory transactions in I/C when you run Day End Processing, you must run Day End Processing in Inventory Control before you can create the entries using the Create G/L Batch form.

    • If you cost inventory during posting, you do not have to run Day End Processing before creating the G/L batch.

    • During Posting or Day End Processing. If you prefer to create general ledger transactions automatically each time you post OE transactions or run Day End processing in Inventory Control, choose During Posting or Day End Processing for the Create G/L Transactions option.

    This option is used as the default for Order Entry. If you select this option, you will not be able to print the G/L Transactions report in Order Entry, and you will not be able to consolidate transactions.


  • Specify whether to add transactions to existing general ledger batches or to create a new batch every time you create general ledger transactions -- and optionally post the batch automatically.

    Order Entry lets you choose whether to add new general ledger transactions to new batches or create new batches and optionally post them automatically to the general ledger.

    Specifically, you can choose to:

    • Add general ledger transactions to an existing Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger batch.

    • Create a new General Ledger batch each time you generate G/L transactions.

    • Create a new General Ledger batch each time you generate G/L transactions, and automatically post the batch in the General Ledger program.

    To create only one batch

    To have only one General Ledger batch to which all transactions are appended, turn on the Append G/L Transactions To Existing Batch option. Order Entry must use the same database as Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger.

    If you don’t use Sage ERP Accpac G/L

    If you do not use Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger — or if your Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger system is at another location — Order Entry appends its general ledger transactions to a file in your company’s data directory called oegltran.csv, which can be imported by a remote site Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger, or transferred to another general ledger that you use. The file is in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.


  • Choose whether to create detailed general ledger transactions or to consolidate them during day end processing of Order Entry batches.

  • Select the descriptions, reference and comments to include with each unconsolidated general ledger transactions and transaction details.

Choosing Consolidation Options for General Ledger Transactions

You can create consolidated batches of General Ledger transactions that combine several details into a single detail, or you can create unconsolidated batches that include all the details posted to each general ledger account.

Note that if you consolidate transactions, you cannot drill down from transactions in General Ledger to the original documents.

To consolidate transactions, use the Consolidate G/L Batches option. This option lets you combine details posted with the same account number and fiscal period into single details for each general ledger account. You can also select to combine (consolidate) the details by account number, fiscal period, and source code.

Consolidation reduces the amount of information in the general ledger batch and results in a shorter G/L Transactions report. The option also "consolidates" the information in the Reference and Description fields for each transaction to "Consol. by O/E."

Use the Consolidate G/L Batches option if you do not use drilldown and you do not need a separate record of each detail posted to every general ledger account from Order Entry transactions.

Creating detailed general ledger transactions If you require detailed general ledger transaction information for your Order Entry records, do not consolidate general ledger transactions. Order Entry then creates a single detail in a General Ledger batch for each amount you post to a general ledger account.

The choice provides complete information in your general ledger transaction batch, but can result in a long G/L Transactions report and a large General Ledger batch. However, you can consolidate the batch when you post it in Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger.

Selecting Descriptions, References, and Comments for General Ledger Transactions

You can specify the type of information to use in the Description, Reference, and Comment fields for each unconsolidated general ledger transaction and transaction detail.

The information appears in the Description, Reference, and Comment columns on Order Entry's G/L Transactions report, and in the G/L Journal Entry form and on reports in Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger.

Select the information you need for your audit trail of unconsolidated Order Entry transactions.

For example, you can choose any of the following pieces of information in description, reference, or comment fields for each unconsolidated transaction arising from shipments or invoices:

  • Order number

  • Customer number

  • Customer name

  • Shipment number

  • Reference

  • Source code

  • Day end number

  • Entry number

You can separate pieces of information slashes, parentheses, hyphens, periods, spaces, or number signs.

When you consolidate general ledger transactions, the reference and description for each transaction is changed to "Consol. by O/E." If you do not consolidate by source code, the source code after consolidation is OE-CO.

Changing your choices for G/L Integration options You can change any of your choices on the Integration tab at any time. You should be aware that your new choices apply only to general ledger transactions created after the change, and do not affect pre-existing General Ledger batches.

You can specify the type of information to use in the Reference and Description fields for each unconsolidated general ledger detail. The information appears in the Reference and Description columns on Order Entry's G/L Transactions report and in the Journal Entry form, and on reports in Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger.

Select the information you need for your audit trail of unconsolidated Order Entry transactions.

As the reference or description for each unconsolidated detail, you can choose:

  • Document number.

  • Reference number.

  • Header description.

  • A combination of the customer and vendor numbers.

  • A combination of the customer and vendor names.

  • A combination of the source code, the day-end number, and the entry numbers.

When you consolidate general ledger transactions, the reference and description for each transaction is changed to "Consol. by O/E." If you do not consolidate by source code, the source code after consolidation is OE-CO.

Changing your choices for G/L Integration options You can change any of your choices on the Integration tab at any time. You should be aware that your new choices apply only to general ledger transactions created after the change, and do not affect pre-existing General Ledger batches.

See also