Clear Power Up Status

NI-Motion VI

Clear Power Up Status

Clears the Power-Up status bit and boots up the controller, making it ready to accept commands.

Details     Remarks

Device Compatibility

NI SoftMotion Controller for CANopen—Accelnet
NI SoftMotion Controller for CANopen—Xenus
Board ID is a unique number assigned by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) used to send and receive commands and data to or from a specific NI motion controller.
error in (no error) describes error conditions that occur before this VI runs. The default input of this cluster is no error. If an error already occurred, this VI returns the value of error in in error out. The VI runs normally only if no incoming error exists. Otherwise, the VI passes the error in value to error out. The error in cluster contains the following parameters:
status is TRUE if an error occurred before this VI was called, or FALSE if not. If status is TRUE, code is a nonzero error code. If status is FALSE, code is zero or a warning code.
code is a number identifying an error or warning. If status is TRUE, code is a nonzero error code. If status is FALSE, code is zero or a warning code. Use the error handler VIs to look up the meaning of this code and display the corresponding error message.
source is a string that indicates the origin of the error, if any. Typically, source is the name of the VI in which the error occurred.
Bd ID Out is provided for flow control. You can string together NI-Motion VIs by wiring the Bd ID Out terminal of one VI to the Board ID terminal of the next VI.
error out contains error information. If error in indicates an error, error out contains the same error information. Otherwise, it describes the error status that this VI produces.
status is TRUE if an error occurred, or FALSE if not. If status is TRUE, code is a nonzero error code. If status is FALSE, code is zero or a warning code.
code is a number identifying an error or warning. If status is TRUE, code is a nonzero error code. If status is FALSE, code is zero or a warning code. Use the error handler VIs to look up the meaning of this code and display the corresponding error message.
source is a string that indicates the origin of the error, if any. Typically, source is the name of the VI in which the error occurred.

Using This VI

Whenever the motion controller is reset by a power cycle, watchdog timeout, or other means, the controller is suspended in a power-up state and a Power-Up status bit in the Communications Status Register (CSR) is set. The Clear Power Up Status VI is used to clear this bit and ready the controller for motion control communications.

You cannot execute most of the other motion control VIs until the Power-Up status bit is cleared by this VI. This lockout ensures that you are aware of the occurrence of an unexpected reset, as in the case of a watchdog timeout.

You can include this VI one time at the beginning of an initialization routine, but to avoid the possibility of restarting an application unexpectedly after a power cycle or watchdog timeout, you must not include it in other routines. The Initialize Controller VI automatically calls this VI.

Note  If you are running a NI-Motion startup application on ETS (PharLap) systems, the first VI in your application must be either the Clear Power Up Status or Initialize Controller VI. Calling any other VI first may result in error –70012 (NIMC_badBoardIDError) because the driver may not have loaded before a NI-Motion VI is called.


This section includes information about how the behavior of this VI differs among the controllers that support it.

NI 73xx Controller Considerations

The following includes considerations you must make when you are using this VI with a 73xx motion controller:

When the motion controller is in the Power-Up state, the MCS register contains a power-up code that describes why the controller is in the Power-Up state. To access this code, execute the Read Move Complete Status VI. The following table describes the power-up codes.

Code  Reset Type  Cause
0x80  Bus reset  Normal PC power cycle
0x40  Power-Up reset  Normal PC power cycle
0x20  Watchdog timeout Fatal internal error
0x08  Shutdown  Shutdown (E-Stop) input active; refer to the Enable Shutdown VI
0x02  Software reset  Firmware download

NI SoftMotion Controller Considerations

The following includes considerations you must make when you are using this VI with the NI SoftMotion Controller:

The power-up codes do not apply to the NI SoftMotion Controller.