ADC Channels

NI-Motion VI

ADC Channels

You can use ADC channels as analog feedback for axes or as general-purpose analog inputs to measure sensors or potentiometers.

All ADC channels are multiplexed and automatically scanned to keep the converted ADC register values current. The following table lists the resource IDs for ADCs:

Resource Name   Resource ID
ADC 1 0x51 (81)
ADC 2 0x52 (82)
ADC 3 0x53 (83)
ADC 4 0x54 (84)
ADC 5 0x55 (85)
ADC 6 0x56 (86)
ADC 7 0x57 (87)
ADC 8 0x58 (88)
ADC 9 0x59 (89)
ADC 10 0x5A (90)
ADC 11 0x5B (91)
ADC 12 0x5C (92)
ADC 13 0x5D (93)
ADC 14 0x5E (94)
ADC 15 0x5F (95)

ADC channels do not typically provide the same level of feedback performance as encoders, but have the advantage of providing absolute rather than incremental feedback.

On 7340/7330 controllers, ADCs 5 through 8 are hard-wired to specific sources, and cannot be used as general-purpose resources or as feedback devices. Refer to the Read ADCs VI for more information.

Using ADCs Nine Through Fifteen

Complete the following steps to use ADCs nine through fifteen:

  1. Open the desired VI in LabVIEW.
  2. View the block diagram.
  3. Right-click the appropriate terminal and select Create»Constant.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow on the constant and select Other.
  5. Type the selected ADC number (in decimal) for ADCs nine through fifteen.