The menu bar


The menu bar
The menu bar of the Main window consists of the File menu, the Update menu, and the Help menu. While the Help menu is self-explanatory, some of the File menu items may need some explanation. The items of the Update menu are explained thereafter.

The File menu consists of the following items:
  • Options: Selecting this menu item opens the Options window.

  • Settings: This menu item includes a sub-menu with five components:

    • Load Settings: All settings on the Main window and on the Options window can be loaded from a CloneSpy settings (*.cst) file. See below on how to create a CloneSpy settings file.

    • Save Settings: All settings entered in the Main window and in the Options window will be saved to a specified file. When you click on this menu item, a dialog box appears that allows you to specify the name of the CloneSpy settings (*.cst) file. Your selected settings will be saved in this file. You can create different setting profiles for CloneSpy.

    • Recent files: This menu item presents a sub-menu containing a list of recent settings files that were either loaded or saved. Selecting one of these files will load the corresponding settings file.

    • Automation: If you click on this menu item the Automation window is displayed. In this window you can specify if a settings file should be loaded when the program starts and if all settings should be saved on program exit.

    • Reset To Defaults: This menu item resets all settings entered in the Main window and in the Options window to the default settings. These are the settings that were in effect when the program was started.

  • CSC-file: This menu item includes a sub-menu with three components:

    • View CSC-file: This item is for viewing a specified a CSC-file. Please refer to the View CSC-file window for further information.

    • Export CSC-file: If you click on this menu item you you can export a CSC-file as text file. Please refer to the Export CSC-file window for further information.

    • Merge CSC-files: This menu item allows you to merge different CSC-files into one single CSC-file. Please refer to the Merge CSC-file window for further information.

  • Exit w/o Save: Quit CloneSpy without automatically saving the settings to the file specified in the Automation window. This item is only available if the corresponding option in the Automation window is activated.

  • Exit: Quit CloneSpy.
The Update menu contains only two items:
  • Check For New Version: If you select this item, CloneSpy tries to check out if there is a new version available on the Internet. Before selecting this option, make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet. If the check is successful, CloneSpy will report whether there is a new version available or not. If an error occurs, although a connection to the Internet has been established, the Internet may be busy or the corresponding web site may be down. If a new version is found to be available, then you are offered to download and install that version. Please be aware that CloneSpy is closed in order to install the new version.

  • Check Automatically: This item toggles the option to either check for new updates automatically or not. If you check this item, no immediate update check is performed. CloneSpy only looks out for a new version on program start and this is done at most once a day. If CloneSpy was able to successfully perform an update check it will only report and offer the download option if a new version is available. This option is enabled by default.
Note: The Internet update function does not transmit any information about your system.