Drawing objects and geospatial features
Objects in maps fall mainly into two categories: drawing objects and geospatial features. Drawing objects come from AutoCAD drawings and geospatial features from a centralized data store (like an Oracle database) or a spatial data file (like a SHP or SDF file).
Some AutoCAD Map 3D functions are more useful for one object type than for another. For example, the drawing cleanup feature eliminates extraneous lines in DWG files, but drawing cleanup does not work on a geospatial feature.
Some functions use different commands, depending on the object type. The following table explains the functions available for the two data types:
Geospatial features only | Description | DWG objects only | Description |
Connecting to features | Geospatial features appear in your map as soon as you connect to their data stores and add them to your map. Check out the feature to edit it and check it back in to update it in its source. Stay connected to the data store while you work, or work offline. If your data store supports versioning, you can manage versions. | Attaching source DWG files | Attach a DWG file to your map and then use a query to include objects from the DWG file in your map. Only objects that match the criteria in your query are added to the map. The set of source DWG files attached to your map is called a drawing set. You can save the current drawing set and set options for it. |
Data Table | Add and edit feature data. You can perform a join to add external data sources to feature classes, but you can edit only the direct connection to that data and not the joined data. | Data View | View and edit data stored in an external database table and linked to drawing objects. |
Schema Editor | Group features by criteria. | Classifying Objects | Group objects by their properties or data. |
Publish to Autodesk MapGuide | Publish web-based maps containing both geospatial features and drawing objects to a server platform. | Export to Autodesk MapGuide version 6.5 and earlier | Export drawing objects to a file that can be used by a server platform. (Geospatial features are not exported.) |
Save data in other formats | Save features from a geospatial database in a spatial data file, such as SDF, and save a layer from Display Manager for re-use. Use Bulk Copy to copy a feature class from one data format to another. Export geospatial data to DWG format. | Export data in other formats | Export to a variety of drawing and geospatial data formats. |
View data before adding it to your map | N/A | Quick View drawings | Display attached DWG files without querying any objects into your map. |
Buffers | Create zones based on properties and analyze objects based on their proximity to the buffer. Save the buffer as its own feature class for future re-use. | Topology | Set up geometric relationships for GIS analysis functions, such as network tracing, buffer analysis, overlays, and more. |
Correct data errors | N/A | Rubber Sheet, Map Trim, and Drawing Cleanup | Correct drawing errors. |
N/A | Transform | Move, rotate, and scale a drawing object or objects. | |
Metadata | View metadata about the geospatial data sources in your map. | Drawing Statistics | View information about the active source DWG files in your map. |
Versioning; Check-in and check-out | Manage versions (for data stores that support them) and check out data to lock it while you use it. | Drawing Maintenance | Index your DWG files for quick searching and lock or unlock objects. |