AutoCAD Map 3D Tutorials > Tutorial: Managing Data From Different Sources > Lesson 2: Using the Resulting SDF Files >
Exercise 3: Edit the schema
In this lesson, you will examine the feature classes you created. You’ll view the attribute data in the Data Table (geospatial features do not appear in the Layer Properties Manager—it is just for drawing objects). Then, you’ll add a feature class property using the Schema Editor.
NoteThis exercise uses the
map you created in the first exercise, with the modifications you
made in the previous exercise.
- In Display
Manager, select the Waterlines layer
and click Table.NoteIn this example, the Data Table was undocked by dragging it away from the edge of the window.
The general properties and the object data specific to Waterlines appear in the Data Table.
- In
the Data Table, examine the properties
for the Waterlines layer.
The color properties have been translated to a new Size property.
- Close the Data Table.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 4: Add a property.