AudioController.Play Method (String, Vector3, Transform)

Audio Toolkit

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Plays an audio item with the name audioID parented to a specified transform with a world offset.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: AudioToolkit (in AudioToolkit.dll) Version: (


public static AudioObject Play(
	string audioID,
	Vector3 worldPosition,
	Transform parentObj = null


Type: System..::..String
The audio ID.
Type: Vector3
The position in world coordinates.
parentObj (Optional)
Type: Transform
The parent transform [default=null].

Return Value

Type: AudioObject
Returns the reference of the AudioObject that is used to play the audio item, or null if the audioID does not exist.


If the audio clip is marked as 3D the audio clip will be played at the position of the parent transform. As the audio object will get attached to the transform, it is important to destroy the parent object using the Destroy(GameObject) function, even if the parent object is not poolable itself

See Also