AudioController Fields

Audio Toolkit

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The AudioController type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field _currentInspectorSelection
Public field ambienceSoundCrossFadeTime
If set to a value > 0 (in seconds) music will automatically be cross-faded with this fading time.
Public field Static member AUDIO_TOOLKIT_VERSION
A string containing the version number of the Audio Toolkit
Public field AudioCategories
Specify your audio categories here using the Unity inspector.
Public field AudioObjectPrefab
You must specify your AudioObject prefab here using the Unity inspector.
  • AudioObjectAudioSource (Unity built-in)PoolableObject - only required if pooling is uses
Public field crossfadePlaylist
if enabled, the tracks on the playlist will get cross-faded as specified by musicCrossFadeTime
Public field delayBetweenPlaylistTracks
Mute time in between two tracks on the playlist.
Public field EqualPowerCrossfade
If enabled fading is adjusted in a way so that cross-fades should result in the same power during the time of fadeing
Public field loopPlaylist
specifies if the music playlist will get looped
Public field musicCrossFadeTime
If set to a value > 0 (in seconds) music will automatically be cross-faded with this fading time.
Public field musicPlaylist Obsolete.
For backwards compatibility we still keep the old playlist system, its items will be copied over to the Default Playlist and then cleared
Public field musicPlaylists
allows to specify a list of named playlist that can be played as music
Public field Persistent
If enabled, the audio controller will survive scene changes
Public field PlayWithZeroVolume
If disabled, audios are not played if they have a resulting volume of zero.
Public field shufflePlaylist
enables / disables shuffling for the music playlist
Public field specifyCrossFadeInAndOutSeperately
If enabled specific music and ambience sound cross-fading in and out times can be specified with musicCrossFadeTime_In and musicCrossFadeTime_Out respectively ambienceSoundCrossFadeTime_In and ambienceSoundCrossFadeTime_Out
Public field UnloadAudioClipsOnDestroy
If enabled all audio resources (AudioClips) specified in this AudioController are unloaded from memory when the AudioController gets destroyed (e.g. when loading a new scene and Persistent is not enabled)
Public field UsePooledAudioObjects
Enables / Disables AudioObject pooling

See Also