3 1 Running out of WEB seat licenses

LANSA for the Web Administrator

3.1 Running out of WEB seat licenses

If a Web Job crashes when using seated Web licenses, for example W05, the license will not be released. After all licenses have been used up in this manner, no other Web Jobs can be started. To "refresh" the system:

1.  Run Clean Up Systems from the Web Administrator.

2.  Restart the Listener.

If you wish, you can create a batch file to do these two steps in one go. Following is an example of such a batch file with the Name: resetw05lic.bat

@echo off
rem Change to the drive LANSA is installed on
rem Change to Execute folder
cd C:\Program Files\LANSA\X_WIN95\X_LANSA\Execute
echo Perform Clean Up Systems
rem Change to Connect folder
cd C:\Program Files\LANSA\Connect
echo Restart the Listener
lcolist -sstop
lcolist -sstart

Typically the locations of

    w3_p2200.exe is C:\Program Files\LANSA\X_WIN95\X_LANSA\Execute.

   lcolist.exe is C:\Program Files\LANSA\Connect

  • If your installation is different to the typical installation, please update the batch file example accordingly.