6 3 Task Define Data Application Server Name

LANSA for the Web Administrator

6.3 Task: Define Data/Application Server Name

On the web server, you must record the names of the data/application server(s) that it will need to connect to.

Step 1. Add a New Host Route

1.  On the web server, start the LANSA Communications Administrator:

a.  Open the LANSA folder from the Start menu.

b.  Select the Settings and Administration folder.

c.  Select LANSA Communications Administrator from the list and click it to start.

2.  A list of all existing host routes for the current configuration is displayed in the LANSA Communications Administrator. This is a list of the servers to which your PC will be able to connect.

3.  Click the New button to create a new host route to your Data/Application Server.

4.  Enter the Host Route information to configure the TCP/IP connection to the Listener on the Data/Application Server:

Partner LU Name

A name that you nominate to identify the system you are connecting to. This name is referred to as the LANSA system name elsewhere in these procedures.  The name must be unique.

You will use this name to test in Step 3 of this task.

Fully Qualified Name of the Host

The name of the host or alternatively, the IP address of your Data/Application Server expressed in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn or Ipv6 fomat.

IBM i: Enter the host name or IP address of the IBM i server.
Windows: Enter the host name IP address. To locate it refer to Locate IP Address of Data/Application Server.

Communications Method

Select Socket.

Connection Identifier

You may leave this field blank. The default port number used is 4545.

IBM i: If you entered a different Connection ID when you configured the LANSA Communications Extensions on the IBM i, then enter the Connection ID number used.

Communications Module

This field should be left blank for TCP/IP Sockets (default is Winsock).

Maxl_Field (Packet Size)

It is recommended that this parameter is left with the default, but it may be set by a networking specialist configuring for special circumstances.

Enable TCP_NODELAY TCP/IP socket option

The TCP_NODELAY socket option disables the Nagle algorithm to allow small data packets to be delivered to the remote host without delay.

The Nagle algorithm combines multiple send calls in a small data buffer and delays sending it until an acknowledgement for the previous data packet sent is received from the remote host. It is enabled as the default in TCP/IP socket. As the LANSA Communication Extension implements its own data buffering, the Nagle algorithm is not needed.

Enable Ipv6 Support

Select this option to enable Internet Protocol version 6 support. This option enables the application to work on both the IPv4 and IPv6 network.

5.  Press OK to continue.

6.  Exit the LANSA Communications Administrator.

Step 2. Test the new Host Route

1.  Start the LANSA for the Web Administrator by opening the LANSA folder from the LANSA icon on your desktop, selecting the Setting and Administration folder and choosing the Web Administrator from the list.

2.  From the Options menu, select Connect... or press Ctrl +T to open the Connection Details dialog.

3.  Enter the required details in the Connection Details dialog:

LANSA System name

This is the same name that was used as the Partner LU name in Step 1of this task. If you press the Ellipsis button beside this entry, it will open the LANSA Communication Adminstrator so that you can copy and paste the name into this field.

Host Type

From the drop down list select IBM i,
or Other if using Windows or Linux.


Enter a partition.


Enter ENG if the partition is multilingual. If this is a non-multilingual partition, leave this field blank. For information, refer to Multilingual Support in the LANSA Open Guide.

LANSA system owner
Userid and Password

IBM i: The user profile must have the LANSA program library in its library list.
Windows: Use the User Name that you nominated during the install.

4.  Press OK to connect to the Data/Application Server.

If you are not able to connect, refer to LANSA for the Web Troubleshooting in the Installing LANSA on Windows Guide.

You have now completed the 6.3 Task: Define Data/Application Server Name.

5.  Exit from the Web Administrator.