1 2 1 Connect Disconnect

LANSA for the Web Administrator

1.2.1 Connect/Disconnect

The Connect command on the Options menu is used to connect to a different host.

Once you have specified the details of the system to which you want to connect in the Profile Details area, you can save these details using a Profile Name. Refer to Save As (Profile).

If the connection is not made to a host system, the other commands in the Administrator's menu are not available to you.

The Disconnect command on the Options menu is used to disconnect from a different host.


Select the Profile that you want from the drop down list.


enter the details in the Profile Details area.

To save the details you have specified in the Profile Details area, press Save As (Profile)... and give your details a Profile Name.

Profile Details

This area contains the details of the connection, either recorded as a Profile, or entered each time you wish to connect to a host.

LANSA System

Mandatory. The name of your Host.

Host Type

Mandatory. Select the type of host you are connecting to. If you are connecting to an IBM i, select IBM i. If you are connecting to a Windows or Linux Server, select Other.


Mandatory. Enter the name of the LANSA partition to which you wish to connect.


Optional. If the partition is a multilingual partition, you can specify the partition language you require. The Language must be left blank for a non-multilingual partition. If it is left blank for a multilingual partition, the default partition language will be used.


Mandatory. The user profile is used to determine if you have authority to execute the security-related commands, which are:

  • Process Authentication
  • User Registration
  • Enable Partition
  • Configure System
  • Maintain Systems
  • Clean Up Systems.


Mandatory. The value specified here will be saved and redisplayed the next time you recall this command, if you select the Save Password option. The password is case sensitive on some hosts.

Save Password

Select this option if you want to save the password you have entered and use it the next time you connect or reconnect to a host. Be careful selecting this option, as anyone using your PC will be able to reuse the password.

If you select this option, be sure to press the Save button before you press OK.

Auto-connect on Startup

This option is not available for the Administrator.

Advanced System Options

Ý 1.2 Options Menu