1.5.2 Configure System (Connected to host)
When configuring the LANSA for the Web system, the following options are available with
Configure System, Data/Application Server
or with Configure System, Web Server:
button will retrieve default values from the host system. This option is enabled if the host system to which you are connected supports retrieving default values. Note that you need to select to save the settings after you have retrieved them. Also note that Job Queues and Libraries are NOT replaced with default values.IBM i Servers:
If you are using a single-tier IBM i installation, you will need to specify the options you wish to use for the Data/Application Server and the Web Server System (IBM i only).
If you are using a multi-tier IBM i installation with an IBM i CGI-based Web Server, you will need to specify the options you wish to use for the Web Server System (IBM i only). You will need to connect to the relevant IBM i to set up each of the systems. The Web Server setting can also be changed using the W3@P2901 program.
Other Servers:
If you are using a Windows Multi-Tier installation, then you will only need to specify the options you wish to use for the Windows Data/Application Server.
The Web Server settings for the parameters used by the LANSA for the Web IIS Plug-In are configured using the 1.2.2 Local Configuration section.