Snmpv3FormulateEngineID Function

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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Snmpv3FormulateEngineID Function
void Snmpv3FormulateEngineID(
    UINT8 fifthOctectIdentifier

Formulates the snmpEngineID depending on value of 'fifthOctectIdentifier'. as MAC_ADDR_ENGN_ID using the application MAC address. 'fifthOctectIdentifier' defualt set to MAC_ADDR_ENGN_ID as the following octets used for the snmpEngineID are of mac address. 

User can set this octet of their choice to fomulate new snmpEngineID. fifthOctectIdentifier=IPV4_ADDR_ENGN_ID; 

If fifthOctectIdentifier=ADMIN_ASSIGNED_TEXT; or fifthOctectIdentifier=ADMIN_ASSIGNED_OCTETS; then the following octets should be provided by the administrator through some custom application interface mechanism. API parameter 'fifthOctectIdentifier' has to be upated in the intefrace API before passing through Snmpv3FormulateEngineID().


InitAppConfig(); is called.

Value of the 5th octet in the snmpEngineID which indicates how the rest (6th and following octets) are formatted. 

Authentication and encryption keys are generated using corresponding passwords and snmpEngineID. If the snmpEngineID is newly configured, then the auth and privacy keys would also change. Hence while using this API to change the snmpEngineID dynamically, care should be taken to update the new localized keys at the agent as well as at the manager.

Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.