WFMacStatsStruct Structure

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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WFMacStatsStruct Structure
struct WFMacStatsStruct {
  UINT32 MibWEPExcludeCtr;
  UINT32 MibTxBytesCtr;
  UINT32 MibTxMulticastCtr;
  UINT32 MibTxFailedCtr;
  UINT32 MibTxRtryCtr;
  UINT32 MibTxMultRtryCtr;
  UINT32 MibTxSuccessCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxDupCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxCtsSuccCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxCtsFailCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxAckFailCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxBytesCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxFragCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxMultCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxFCSErrCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxWEPUndecryptCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxFragAgedCtr;
  UINT32 MibRxMICFailureCtr;

Used in WF_GetMacStats.

UINT32 MibWEPExcludeCtr; 
Number of frames received with the Protected Frame subfield of the Frame Control field set to zero and the value of dot11ExcludeUnencrypted causes that frame to be discarded. 
UINT32 MibTxBytesCtr; 
Total number of Tx bytes that have been transmitted 
UINT32 MibTxMulticastCtr; 
Number of frames successfully transmitted that had the multicast bit set in the destination MAC address. 
UINT32 MibTxFailedCtr; 
Number of Tx frames that failed due to the number of transmits exceeding the retry count. 
UINT32 MibTxRtryCtr; 
Number of times a transmitted frame needed to be retried 
UINT32 MibTxMultRtryCtr; 
Number of times a frame was successfully transmitted after more than one retransmission. 
UINT32 MibTxSuccessCtr; 
Number of Tx frames successfully transmitted. 
UINT32 MibRxDupCtr; 
Number of frames received where the Sequence Control field indicates a duplicate. 
UINT32 MibRxCtsSuccCtr; 
Number of CTS frames received in response to an RTS frame. 
UINT32 MibRxCtsFailCtr; 
Number of times an RTS frame was not received in response to a CTS frame. 
UINT32 MibRxAckFailCtr; 
Number of times an Ack was not received in response to a Tx frame. 
UINT32 MibRxBytesCtr; 
Total number of Rx bytes received. 
UINT32 MibRxFragCtr; 
Number of successful received frames (management or data) 
UINT32 MibRxMultCtr; 
Number of frames received with the multicast bit set in the destination MAC address. 
UINT32 MibRxFCSErrCtr; 
Number of frames received with an invalid Frame Checksum (FCS). 
UINT32 MibRxWEPUndecryptCtr; 
Number of frames received where the Protected Frame subfield of the Frame Control Field is set to one and the WEPOn value for the key mapped to the transmitter’s MAC address indicates the frame should not have been encrypted. 
UINT32 MibRxFragAgedCtr; 
Number of times that fragments ‘aged out’, or were not received in the allowable time. 
UINT32 MibRxMICFailureCtr; 
Number of MIC failures that have occurred. 
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.