How to fix MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M transmission rates

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How to fix MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M transmission rates

MRF24W Transmission Rates 

The function prototype WF_FixTxRateWithMaxPower() can be used to fix the transmission rates, with maximum power, for the MRF24W. 

Even though in the MLA SW this function is compiled only under MRF24WB configuration, this function is applicable also for MRF24WG0M. 

For MRF24WB0M, only 1 or 2 Mbps transmission rates can be fixed. 

For MRF24WG0M, this function can be used to fix the transmission rates beyond 1 or 2 Mbps. The input parameter to be used is 

* #define kOneMbps (2) 

* #define kTwoMbps (4) 

* #define kFiveMbps (11) 

* #define kElevenMbps (22) 

* #define kSixMbps (12) 

* #define kNineMbps (18) 

* #define kTwelveMbps (24) 

* #define kEighteenMbps (36) 

* #define kTwentyFourMbps (48) 

* #define kThirtySixMbps (72) 

* #define kFortyEightMbps (96) 

* #define kFiftyFourMbps (108) 


Bear in mind, this fixed transmission rate only applies to data packets. All management packets still use 1 Mbps.

Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.