UDP Public Members

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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UDP Public Members

The following functions and variables are available to the stack application.

Opens a UDP socket for a client. 
Closes a UDP socket and frees the handle. 
Discards any remaining RX data from a UDP socket. 
Transmits all pending data in a UDP socket. 
Reads a byte from the currently active socket. 
Reads an array of bytes from the currently active socket. 
Determines how many bytes can be read from the UDP socket. 
Determines how many bytes can be written to the UDP socket. 
Writes a byte to the currently active socket. 
Writes an array of bytes to the currently active socket. 
Writes an array of bytes from ROM to the currently active socket. 
Writes null-terminated string from ROM to the currently active socket. 
Writes null-terminated string to the currently active socket. 
Moves the pointer within the RX buffer. 
Moves the pointer within the TX buffer. 
Determines if a socket has an established connection. 
Indicates a UDP port that is not valid 
Indicates a UDP socket that is not valid 
Macro of the legacy version of UDPOpen. 
Create a client socket and use dwRemoteHost as a literal IP address. 
Create a client socket and use dwRemoteHost as a pointer to a NODE_INFO structure containing the exact remote IP address and MAC address to use. 
Emit an undeclared identifier diagnostic if code tries to use UDP_OPEN_RAM_HOST while the DNS client module is not enabled. 
Emit an undeclared identifier diagnostic if code tries to use UDP_OPEN_ROM_HOST while the DNS client module is not enabled. 
Create a server socket and ignore dwRemoteHost. 
Provides a handle to a UDP Socket 
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.