MPFS2 Command Line Options

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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MPFS2 Command Line Options

To facilitate batch files and automation, the MPFS2 Utility also supports execution from the command line. The syntax is as follows:

MPFS2.jar [options] <SourceDir> <ProjectDir> <OutputFile>

The SourceDir, ProjectDir, and OutputFile options are required and should be enclosed in quotation marks. The OutputFile option will be relative to ProjectDir, and cannot be a full path name. 

The various option switches are described in the table below:

Output a BIN image (Default) 
Output a C18 or XC32 image 
Output an ASM16 image 
Use the MPFS2 format (Default) 
/html "..." 
/h "..." 
File types to be parsed for dynamic variables (Default: "*.htm, *.html, *.cgi, *.xml") 
/xgzip "..." 
/z "..." 
File types to be excluded from GZIP compression (Default: "*.bib, *.inc") 

The command-line interface does not support image uploads. For batch or production uploads, use a tool such as wget to upload the generated BIN image.

Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.