WFCAElementsStruct Structure

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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WFCAElementsStruct Structure
struct WFCAElementsStruct {
  UINT16 listenInterval;
  UINT8 scanType;
  UINT8 rssi;
  UINT8 connectionProfileList[WF_CP_LIST_LENGTH];
  UINT8 listRetryCount;
  UINT8 eventNotificationAction;
  UINT8 beaconTimeoutAction;
  UINT8 deauthAction;
  UINT8 numChannelsInList;
  UINT8 beaconTimeout;
  UINT8 scanCount;
  UINT8 pad1;
  UINT16 minChannelTime;
  UINT16 maxChannelTime;
  UINT16 probeDelay;
  UINT16 dtimInterval;
  UINT16 beaconPrd;

Connection Algorithm Elements

UINT16 listenInterval; 
This parameter is only used when PS Poll mode is enabled. See WF_PsPollEnable(). Number of 100ms intervals between instances when the MRF24W wakes up to received buffered messages from the network. Range is from 1 (100ms) to 6553.5 sec (~109 min).
Note that the 802.11 standard defines the listen interval in terms of Beacon Periods, which are typically 100ms. If the MRF24W is communicating to a network with a network that has Beacon Periods that is not 100ms it will round up (or down) as needed to match the actual Beacon Period as closely as possible.
Important Note: If the listenInterval is modified while connected to a network the MRF24W will automatically reconnect to the network with the new Beacon Period value. This may cause a temporary loss of data packets. 
UINT8 scanType; 
WF_ACTIVE_SCAN (Probe Requests transmitted out) or WF_PASSIVE_SCAN (listen only for beacons received)
UINT8 rssi; 
Specifies RSSI restrictions when connecting. This field is only used if:
  1. The Connection Profile has not defined a SSID or BSSID, or
  2. An SSID is defined in the Connection Profile and multiple AP’s are discovered with the same SSID.


UINT8 connectionProfileList[WF_CP_LIST_LENGTH]; 
Note: Connection Profile lists are not yet supported. This array should be set to all FF’s. 
UINT8 listRetryCount; 
This field is used to specify the number of retries for the single connection profile before taking the connection lost action.
Range 1 to 254 or WF_RETRY_FOREVER (255)
Default is 3 
UINT8 eventNotificationAction; 
There are several connection-related events that can occur. The Host has the option to be notified (or not) when some of these events occur. This field controls event notification for connection-related events.  
UINT8 beaconTimeoutAction; 
Specifies the action the Connection Manager should take if a Connection is lost due to a Beacon Timeout. If this field is set to WF_ATTEMPT_TO_RECONNECT then the number of attempts is limited to the value in listRetryCount.
UINT8 deauthAction; 
Designates what action the Connection Manager should take if it receives a Deauthentication message from the AP.
If this field is set to WF_ATTEMPT_TO_RECONNECT then the number of attempts is limited to the value in listRetryCount.
List of one or more channels that the MRF24W should utilize when connecting or scanning. If numChannelsInList is set to 0 then this parameter should be set to NULL.
Default: All valid channels for the regional domain of the MRF24W (set at manufacturing). 
UINT8 numChannelsInList; 
Number of channels in channelList. If set to 0 then the MRF24W will populate the list with all valid channels for the regional domain.
Default: The number of valid channels for the regional domain of the MRF24W (set at manufacturing). 
UINT8 beaconTimeout; 
Specifies the number of beacons that can be missed before the action described in beaconTimeoutAction is taken.
UINT8 scanCount; 
The number of times to scan a channel while attempting to find a particular access point.
Default: 1 
UINT16 minChannelTime; 
The minimum time (in milliseconds) the connection manager will wait for a probe response after sending a probe request. If no probe responses are received in minChannelTime then the connection manager will go on to the next channel, if any are left to scan, or quit.
Default: 200ms 
UINT16 maxChannelTime; 
If a probe response is received within minChannelTime then the connection manager will continue to collect any additional probe responses up to maxChannelTime before going to the next channel in the channelList. Units are in milliseconds.
Default: 400ms 
UINT16 probeDelay; 
The number of microseconds to delay before transmitting a probe request following the channel change event.
Default: 20us 
UINT16 dtimInterval; 
Default : 4 
UINT16 beaconPrd; 
Default : 100 (ms) 
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.