WiFi EZConfig

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WiFi EZConfig

WLAN networks provide a unique challenge for configuring embedded wireless without a natural user interface. Unlike wired networks, wireless networks require unique items such as the SSID and network type and keys, which have to be sent to the device in some form or another. Traditionally, this means a user would enter this information using a keyboard and display. 

EasyConfig is a mechanism to allow for configuration of an embedded device on a wireless network. It utilizes the web server of the TCP/IP stack, as well as a wireless adhoc (IBSS) network to allow the user to input the desired network information from a client browser, and then reset the device to connect to the desired network. 

The EasyConfig demo works in roughly the following manner:

  1. Upon power up the device, it broadcasts an adhoc network with SSID "EasyConfig".
  2. A client device (laptop, iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad) can then connect to the EasyConfig network.
  3. Upon connecting, the user can then use a standard web browser to go to the IP address of the demo (
  4. The user will then be presented with some web pages from the web server. The index.htm web page has some additional information on EasyConfig, and also shows the continually updating status of the LEDs, buttons, and potentiometer on the development board. The configure.htm page will allow the user to scan for networks, and connect to a network of their choosing.
  5. The device will then reset itself, using the parameters for the new network. In order to continue using the demo, the client device will now need to reconnect to the same network that the development board is on.

Note that the demo will always attempt to connect to the last known network. If the user wants to reset the demo to startup in adhoc mode again, then button S3 on the Explorer 16 development board needs to be held down for 4 seconds. 

The following network types are supported


Wireless configurations are set up in WF_Config.h 


Adhoc Networks

Upon starting the demo, the network will either connect to another adhoc network, or will start it's own if one is not found. Adhoc networks are peer-to-peer networks, with no centralized coordinator for the network. All the devices in the network share the responsibilities of keeping the network going. 

One downfall of adhoc networks is that typically security is not employed on them. The MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M module can secure the network with WEP (40-bit/104-bit) security, as can most laptops and adhoc devices. Almost no devices in the market can secure an adhoc network with WPA level security due to the tremendous overhead in doing so. 

The demo starts an adhoc network with no security. This means that all the network information that is being configured on the device is going over-the-air in the open. For most applications, unless somebody is specifically attempting to eavesdrop on this network, there should be little to no impact on security. However, for applications that do require some baseline level of security, then WEP can be employed on the network. SSL can also be used to encrypt the traffic between the web server and client browser. Additionally, some other form of data-level security can be employed to obfuscate the ASCII network information being sent to the device. 


SoftAP Networks

This is only available for MRF24WG0MA/B. Upon starting the demo, the MRF24WG0MA/B will start up a network as a software-enabled access point (AP), acting as the centralized coordinator for the network. Devices can connect to the MRF24WG0MA/B softAP. Depending on the RF module firmware version, either 1 or 4 clients can be connected to the softAP. Routing is not supported. The demo can start a softAP network with no or WEP security. 


Network Parameters

Below is some information on the parameters that are being sent via HTTP POST from the client browser to the device. All this information is being parsed and handled in the function HTTPPostWifiConfig() in CustomHTTPApp.c


WLAN Type 
Either adhoc or infrastructure 
Name of network (1-32 ASCII characters) 
Security Type 
  • None
  • WEP-40 (5 ASCII characters or 10 hex numbers)
  • WEP-104 (13 ASCII characters or 26 hex numbers)
  • WPA/WPA2 passphrase (8-63 ASCII characters)



Configured vs Un-configured State

When the demo is running in an unconfigured state (i.e, serving the default EasyConfig SSID in adhoc mode), then the heartbeat LED (LED0) will blink twice per second to indicate that it hasn't been configured yet. Once the network has been configured, then the heartbeat LED will change to blink once per second, in a similar fashion to the other TCP/IP demo applications. 


EasyConfig Demo Additional Features

There are four defines that enable EasyConfig as well as extend it with natural features.

The top level define to enable EasyConfig features. 
Adds additional ability to instruct the MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M module to scan for available networks nearby. This can be done when you are already connected to a network. 
Store the configuration information for the new network to non-volatile memory. In the event that WPA/WPA2 level security is used, the 32-byte PSK will be saved to NVM. 
Before switching networks, forces the configuration state machine to pause. This gives the client device additional time to request resources from the development platform before it attempts to connect to a new network. 



The MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M has the ability to scan for nearby networks. This is similar to a laptop that can show available wireless networks that can be connected to. The scan results are stored on the MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M module, and can be retrieved one at a time from the device. This helps to reduce the impact of storing all the scan results on the host itself. 

The scan can be performed when idle, or when connected to either an adhoc or infrastructure network. 



The new network parameters can also be stored to non-volatile memory. For the Explorer 16 development board, this information is stored to the 32kB EEPROM on the board. 

One extremely useful feature of storing the information surfaces when connecting to a network with WPA/WPA2 security. The computation of the 32-byte PSK is computationally heavy, and can take the MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M up to 30 seconds to calculate the key. In a normal application, it would be unacceptable to have to wait 30 seconds every time the device started up before connection to the network was established. 

EZ_CONFIG_STORE helps to alleviate doing the calculation each time by storing the 32-byte PSK to NVM. In doing so, there is only one 30-second hit the very first time the key is calculated only. Successive connections to the network will be significantly faster. 



The configuration state machine that controls the network connections within EasyConfig can employ a wait state between switching networks. From an end user experience, this becomes vital. If the switch between different networks was instantaneous, a client browser would never get an indication that the HTTP session was closed after the POST information was sent. The end user would see this as a browser that was continually waiting, which would eventually timeout. 

To make the switch more natural and complete, EZ_CONFIG_STALL adds additional time to allow the client to get the remaining web page information. For the demo, this includes a HTTP redirect to a page that highlights the new network information. 


Current Incompatibilities

The javascript being used in EasyConfig is not compatible with Internet Explorer 7. EasyConfig does work with many other flavors of browser on different architectures, not limited to Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Google Chrome. The incompatibility is something that is being investigated, and should be fixed in a future stack release. 


New demo feature: Mobile Application 

From MLA v5.42.06 March 2013 and future releases, a new mobile application demo is added to Explorer16+PIC32 configuration. The relevant source file is MobileTCPServer.c. Supported devices run on Android (version 4.0 or later) and iOS6 or later. On Goggle Play store and Apple Apps Store, search for the app "OpenWifiFog". 

The functions supported

  • Temperature reading
  • Potentiometer reading
  • LEDs ON/OFF toggling
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.