
Microchip TCP/IP Stack

Microchip TCP/IP Stack Help

Most of your application protocols will require you to allocate memory for each connection (socket) that you have open. Like the other firmware configuration options, this is controlled by the definition of macros in TCPIPConfig.h. For TCP sockets, you will have to specify four initialization parameters for each socket, including the purpose of that socket, the type of memory the socket should be stored in, the size of the transmit FIFO, and the size of the receive FIFO. The stack will then initialize the sockets with this information, and create a TCP Control Block (TCB) for each to control its operations. This topic will outline the socket configuration functionality in the sample version of TCPIPConfig.h that is included with the TCP/IP Demo App project.

Describes memory allocation macros. 
Describes socket types. 
Describes the structure used to declare and initialize TCP sockets. 
Describes how UDP sockets are defined. 
Describes the allocation of BSD sockets. 
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
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