Demo Modules

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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Demo Modules

Several custom modules are used in this demo. This section will describe the components and functionality of these modules. 

For Microchip 802.11b/g WiFi PICtail MRF24W, the following network types are supported.

  • CFG_WF_P2P (supported by MRF24WG0M only)

For Microchip 802.11b/g WiFi PICtail MRF24W, the new security modes are supported.

  • WF_SECURITY_WPS_PUSH_BUTTON (supported by MRF24WG0M only)
  • WF_SECURITY_WPS_PIN (supported by MRF24WG0M only)
Provides an example for building a custom HTTP application using the HTTP2 server and allows several other demo features to be accessed and controlled via web interface. 
Demonstrates how to use an e-mail client to send messages when events occur. This is a standalone demo; for the web page "Send Email" demo, see the Forms using POST topic. 
Demonstrates how to build a TCP Client application through an HTTP client example. 
Demonstrates how to build a TCP server application 
Demonstrates how to build a Ping client. 
Describes the Simple Network Management Protocol Demo. 
Describes how to use the UART-to-TCP Bridge demo. 
Describes usage of the Zeroconf modules 
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.