MsgProcModPrepareOutgoingMessage Structure

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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MsgProcModPrepareOutgoingMessage Structure
struct MsgProcModPrepareOutgoingMessage {
  BYTE transportDomain;
  UINT32 transportAddress;
  BYTE messageProcessingModel;
  BYTE securityModel;
  BYTE* securityName;
  BYTE securityLevel;
  BYTE* contextEngineID;
  BYTE* contextName;
  BYTE pduVersion;
  BOOL expectResponse;
  BYTE destTransportDomain;
  UINT32 destTransportAddress;
  BYTE* outgoingMessage;
  UINT32 outgoingMessageLength;

Prepare Outgoing SNMP Request or Notification Message 

The Message Processing Subsystem provides this service primitive for preparing an outgoing SNMP Request or Notification Message

BYTE transportDomain; 
transport domain to be used 
UINT32 transportAddress; 
transport address to be used 
BYTE messageProcessingModel; 
typically, SNMP version 
BYTE securityModel; 
Security Model to use 
BYTE* securityName; 
on behalf of this principal 
BYTE securityLevel; 
Level of Security requested 
BYTE* contextEngineID; 
data from/at this entity 
BYTE* contextName; 
data from/in this context 
BYTE pduVersion; 
the version of the PDU 
SNMP Protocol Data Unit 
BOOL expectResponse; 
TRUE or FALSE IN sendPduHandle; //the handle for matching incoming responses 
BYTE destTransportDomain; 
destination transport domain 
UINT32 destTransportAddress; 
destination transport address 
BYTE* outgoingMessage; 
the message to send 
UINT32 outgoingMessageLength; 
its length 
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.