Building MPFS2 Images

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

Microchip TCP/IP Stack Help
Building MPFS2 Images

The MPFS2 Utility has four steps, which are denoted on the left hand side of the dialog. To build an MPFS image, select Start With: Webpage Directory in step 1 and choose the directory in which the web pages are stored. 


Step 2 selects the output format. If storing the web pages in external EEPROM or serial Flash, choose the BIN Image output format. If internal program memory will be used, select C18/C32 Image for use with 8-bit and 32-bit parts, or ASM30 Array for 16-bit targets. To store the web pages on a device formatted with the FAT file system without compressing them into an MPFS image, select MDD (see the Demo App MDD Getting Started guide for more information). 


Step 3 asks for the MPLAB IDE project directory. The MPFS tool will write the image file to the project directory, and will also update the HTTPPrint.h file there if needed. Select the correct directory so that the right files are modified. 


Step 4 controls the upload settings. When external EEPROM or serial flash is used for storage, the option to upload the newly created image to the board is available. Check the box next to Upload Image To to enable this feature. The target host name (or IP address), upload protocol, and upload path may need to be changed to the one chosen when the board was first configured. You may also need to modify the user name and password used to access the secured functionality in your application, like web page upload. Use the Settings button to edit these values. 

If internal program memory is being used, the image will be compiled in with the project and so direct uploads are not available. Make sure to include the output source file indicated in step 3 as part of the project. 


Once all the correct settings have been chosen, click the Generate button to create the image. If uploads are enabled, this will also attempt to upload the file to the device.

Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.