Wi-Fi Connection Profile

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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Wi-Fi Connection Profile

This section describes the API functions related to creating and using connection profiles. At least one connection profile must be created. The connection profile defines elements required by the MRF24WB0M / MRF24WG0M to establish a connection to a Wi-Fi network.

Modifying Connection Profile after Connection is Established

A connection profile can be updated while it is being used for an active connection. However, the updates do not take effect until one of the following occurs: 

• Connection is disabled and re-enabled by the host application 

• Connection algorithm loses the connection, exhausts all retries, and then reloads the connection profile. 

To ensure that connection profile updates take place at a known point in time it is recommended that the host application call WF_CMDisconnect(), update the connection profile, then call WF_CMConnect().

Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.