SSL_KEYS Structure

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

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SSL_KEYS Structure
typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      BYTE MACSecret[16];
      DWORD sequence;
      ARCFOUR_CTX cryptCtx;
      BYTE reserved[6];
    } app;
    BYTE random[32];
  } Local;
  union {
    struct {
      BYTE MACSecret[16];
      DWORD sequence;
      ARCFOUR_CTX cryptCtx;
      BYTE reserved[6];
    } app;
    BYTE random[32];
  } Remote;

Memory definition for SSL keys. This area is split into Local and Remote areas. During the handshake, Local.random and Remote.random hold the ServerRandom and ClientRandom values. Once the session keys are calculated, the and contain the MAC secret, record sequence number, and encryption context for the ARCFOUR module.

BYTE MACSecret[16]; 
Server's MAC write secret 
DWORD sequence; 
Server's write sequence number 
ARCFOUR_CTX cryptCtx; 
Server's write encryption context 
BYTE reserved[6]; 
Future expansion 
BYTE random[32]; 
Server.random value 
BYTE MACSecret[16]; 
Client's MAC write secret 
DWORD sequence; 
Client's write sequence number 
ARCFOUR_CTX cryptCtx; 
Client's write encryption context 
BYTE reserved[6]; 
Future expansion 
BYTE random[32]; 
Client.random value 
Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.