Null String ESSID

Microchip TCP/IP Stack

Microchip TCP/IP Stack Help
Null String ESSID

Null String ESSID 

It is possible to call WF_CMConnect(cpId) with a cpId of zero. If this happens, the connection manager can use erroneous values for the SSID, Network Mode, Security configuration, etc. which will cause the module to connect to a wrong AP or not connect at all. The only valid values that can be used for connection profile references are 1 and 2 (assuming that the WF_CPCreate(&cpId) succeeded in creating these profile references prior to the attempted connection). 


Work around: 

When creating a connection profile, verify that the profile number returned is always either 1 or 2. If the returned value is 0, delete the profile and recreate it. When connecting with WF_CMConnect(cpId), ensure that only a valid profile number previously returned from WF_CPCreate(&cpId) is used.

Microchip TCP/IP Stack 5.42.08 - June 15, 2013
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.