NI 73xx Arc Angles in Degrees


NI 73xx Arc Angles in Degrees

The Load Circular Arc, Load Helical Arc, and Load Spherical Arc VIs/functions take angle parameters in degrees as double-precision floating-point values. These values are converted to an internal 16.16 fixed-point representation where the integer part corresponds to multiples of 45° (for example, 360° is represented as 0x0008 0000).

Use the following formula to convert from floating-point to fixed point:


Q is the quotient, the integer multiple of 45°

R is the remainder.

For example, 94.7° is represented in 16.16 format as follows:

The minimum angular increment is therefore

× 45º = 0.000687º

Note  The conversion from floating-point to fixed-point is performed on the host computer, not on the NI motion controller. To load arc VIs from onboard variables, you must use the 16.16 fixed-point representation for all angles.