Modulo Breakpoints (NI 7330, NI 7340, and NI 7390 only)


Modulo Breakpoints (NI 7330, NI 7340, and NI 7390 only)

Modulo breakpoints use a breakpoint window, which defines an area around the current position. The two breakpoints around the current position are always enabled.

The breakpoint modulus creates a repeat period for the breakpoints, and the breakpoint position is the offset from absolute zero.

For example, to create a breakpoint every 500 counts, set the repeat period to 500 and the breakpoint position to 0. If the breakpoint is enabled when the axis is at 710, the breakpoints at 1000 and 500 are both armed, as shown in the following figure.

As another example, if you set the breakpoint repeat period to be 2000 counts and the offset to be –500, breakpoints occur at –4500, –2500, –500, 1500, 3500. If the breakpoint is enabled when the axis is at 2210, the breakpoints at 1500 and 3500 are both armed, as shown in the following figure.

Each time a breakpoint occurs, re-enable it to load the next breakpoint.

Modulo Breakpoints Algorithm

The following figure shows the basic algorithm for modulo breakpoints applicable to both C/C++ and LabVIEW code.