Troubleshooting Hall Effect Sensor Connections


Troubleshooting Hall Effect Sensor Connections

Complete the following steps if you have problems with Hall effect sensor connections.

  1. Check the manuals that shipped with the hardware for connection procedures.
  2. Perform a "shake and wake" phase initialization. During this process, the motor is driven to the zero degree phase position with the commanded voltage. Make sure the motor is clear of any limits before you start.
  3. Record the Hall effect sensors states by reading the DIO lines connected to the Hall sensors. Refer to the hardware documentation for the Hall effect sensor lines. This is the state of the Hall effect sensors at the zero-degree phase position.
  4. Command the motor to move forward at a slow velocity. Record the state of the Hall effect sensors at each state transition. The state of the Hall effect sensors should return to the state recorded in step 2 after six state transitions.
  5. Use the Hall sensors transition state as the Hall sensors diagram. Refer to the hardware documentation for more information on Hall sensor diagrams. Follow the procedure outlined in the hardware documentation.