Switching Feedback on the Fly (NI 7350 Only)


Switching Feedback on the Fly (NI 7350 Only)

NI 7350 devices allow switching between feedback devices without disabling the axis, such as when switching between encoder and analog feedback. Complete the following steps to configure your system for switching feedback devices on the fly:

  1. Tune the system with the first feedback device in MAX.
  2. Tune the system with the second feedback device in MAX.
  3. Store the first set of PID gains using the Load All PID Parameters VI or function.
  4. Store the second set of PID gains using the Load All PID Parameters VI or function, following the instructions in the Loading a Second Set of PID Parameters section of the topic.
  5. Enable the controller to use the second set of PID parameters when switching feedback on the fly using the Load Advanced Control Parameter VI or function.
  6. Use the Configure Axis Resources VI or function to configure the axis to use the first feedback device.

To switch between the first and second feedback devices, call Configure Axis Resources with the other feedback device when the axis is not moving.