
General Mission Analysis Tool


RunSimulator — Generates simulated navigation measurements

Script Syntax

RunSimulator Simulator_InstanceName 


The RunSimulator command generates the simulated measurements specified in the user-provided Simulator resource. An output file, with name specified in the Simulator resource is created.

See Also: Simulator


Content of the Output File for DSN data

After the RunSimulator command has finished execution, one or more output files, as defined in the specified Simulator object, will be created. Each row of data in an output file contains information about one specific measurement at a given time. The format for a given row of data is described fully in the TrackingFileSet resource help.

Currently, GMAT supports two DSN data types, DSN TRK-2-34 type 7 (sequential range) and DSN TRK-2-34 type 17 (Total count phase). As shown in the TrackingFileSet resource help, for a type 7 measurement, a row of data has the following GMAT internal file format.

TAIMJD  DSN_SeqRange 9004 [Downlink Station ID] [S/C ID] [Range Observable (RU)] [Uplink Band] [Uplink Freq (Hz)] [Range Modulo (RU)]

where [Uplink Band] species the frequency band of the transmitting station as shown in the table below.

Uplink Band Value Description
0 Unknown or not applicable
1 S-band
2 X-band
3 Ka-band
4 Ku-band
5 L-band

and where the [Range Observable (RU)], is calculated according to

C t 1 t 3 f T ( t ) d t ,  mod M             (RU)


t 1 , t 3 = Transmission and Reception epoch, respectively
f T = Ground Station transmit frequency
C = transmitter dependent constant (221/1498 for X-band and 1/2 for S-Band)
=  length of the ranging code in RU

As shown in the TrackingFileSet resource help, for a DSN TRK-2-34 type 17 measurement, a row of data has the following GMAT internal file format.

# TAIMJD_t3e DSN_TCP 9006 [Downlink Station ID] [S/C ID] [Uplink Band] [DopplerCountInterval_seconds] [DopplerMeas_Hz]

where [Uplink Band] has been previously described and where DopplerMeas_Hz, the Doppler measurement, is calculated according to

C = M 2 ( t 3 e t 3 s ) t 1 s t 1 e f T ( t 1 ) d t 1   = M 2 ( t 1 e t 1 s ) D C I f ¯ T     (Hz)


t 1 s , t 1 e = start and end of transmission interval
f T = transmit frequency
M 2 = Transponder turn around ratio (typically, 240/221 for S-band and 880/749 for X-band)
DCI =  ( t 3 e t 3 s ) =  Doppler Count Interval
f ¯ T t 1 s t 1 e f T ( t 1 ) d t 1 ( t 1 e t 1 s )   = average transmit frequency 

Note that (t3e - t3s) is known as the Doppler Count Interval and is an input field, SimDopplerCountInterval, for the TrackingFileSet resource.

When you simulate DSN range or Doppler, you can choose whether or not the frequency from the transmitting Ground Station is Non-ramped or Ramped. If you wish to model ramped data, you must supply an input ramp table. The format of the input ramp table is discussed in the TrackingFileSet resource help.

The table below shows how the values of Uplink Band, C, M2, and transmit frequency are calculated. The second column shows how the Uplink Band, which is included in the output file for both range and Doppler measurements, is calculated. For S-band, a “1” is output and for X-band, a “2” is output.

The output GMAT Measurement Data (GMD) file contains the observable value which is calculated using the equations shown above. The third column shows how the value of C or M2, which is used to calculate the observation value shown in the GMD file, is calculated.

Finally, the fourth column shows how the transmit frequency, which shows up directly in the GMD file (for DSN range but not DSN Doppler) and is also used to calculate the observation value given in the GMD file, is calculated.

Measurement Type Uplink Band Value of C (Range) or M2 (Doppler) used to calculate Observation Transmit freq used to calculate Observation
Simulate Range without ramp table
  • Set based upon transmitter frequency set by user on the Transmitter.Frequency field. If freq is in [2000-4000] MHz, then Uplink Band is S-band. If freq is in [7000-8000] MHz, then Uplink Band is X-band.

  • Set based upon Uplink Band result shown in previous column. C=½ for S-band and 221/1498 for X-band.

  • Value of Transponder.TurnAroundRatio has no effect on C

  • f T =Transmitter.frequency (This frequency will be written to the GMD range file)

Simulate Range with ramp table
  • Uplink Band in ramp table takes precedence over both transmitter frequency set by user and transmit frequency in ramp table.

  • Set based upon Uplink Band result shown in previous column. C=½ for S-band and 221/1498 for X-band.

  • Value of Transponder.TurnAroundRatio has no effect on C

  • f T =Ramp Table frequency (This frequency will be written to the GMD range file)

Simulate Doppler without ramp table
  • Set based upon transmitter frequency set by user on the Transmitter.Frequency field. If freq is in [2000-4000] MHz, then Uplink Band is S-band. If freq is in [7000-8000] MHz, then Uplink Band is X-band.

  • M2=Transponder.TurnAroundRatio

  • f T =Transmitter.frequency

Simulate Doppler with ramp table
  • Uplink Band in ramp table takes precedence over both transmitter frequency set by user and transmit frequency in ramp table.

  • Set based upon Uplink Band result shown in previous column. M2=240/221 for S-band and 880/749 for X band.

  • Value of Transponder.TurnAroundRatio has no effect on M2

  • f T =Ramp Table frequency

As discussed in the Transponder Help, for both ramped and non-ramped data, the turn around ratio set on the Transponder object, Transponder.TurnAroundRatio, will be used to calculate the media corrections needed to determine the value of the simulated range and Doppler measurements.

Earth Nutation Update Interval

If you want to simulate a Doppler or range rate type of measurement (e.g., DSN_TCP and RangeRate) precisely, you will need to set the Earth nutation update interval to 0 as shown below.

          Earth.NutationUpdateInterval = 0

It is good general practice to set the Earth nutation update interval to zero for all measurement types.


Run simulation.

          %Perform a simulation

Create Simulator mySim

RunSimulator mySim

For a comprehensive example of running a simulation, see the Chapter 13, Simulate DSN Range and Doppler Data tutorial.