#Include Macro

General Mission Analysis Tool

#Include Macro

#Include Macro — Load or import a script snippet

Script Syntax

#Include './Define_Path_to_Script_Snippet_File_In_SingleQuotes.txt'    


Using the #Include macro, GMAT now allows you to load GMAT resources and script snippets from external files during the script initialization and mission execution. This is a powerful feature that allows you to reuse configurations across multiple users and/or scripts. This feature can be used to simplify automation for operations and Monte-Carlo and parametric scanning that have use cases with a lot of common data but some data that changes from one execution to the next.

The script snippet external files that you can now load using the #Include macro can be defined with any file extensions, although most common file extensions are (*.script) or (*.txt). The #Include macro can be used to load snippets from external files either before or after the BeginMissionSequence script command. The #Include macro can only be used through the script mode and its usage is not allowed via the GUI.


There are two rules in regards to how GMAT's GUI behaves whenever we use the #Include macro:

  1. If any #Include macro is used before BeginMissionSequence, then GMAT’s GUI is editable, runnable but you cannot save GMAT scripts from the GUI's Save button. You can of course make changes to your script in the Script mode and save your changes from the script mode.

  2. If there are no #Include macros before BeginMissionSequence and there are any number of #Include macros after BeginMissionSequence, then GMAT’s GUI is editable, runnable and savable (i.e. you can make changes to objects in the GUI and then save those changes to the script from the GUI's Save button).

Whenever you load and run GMAT scripts that may use an #Include macro before BeginMissionSequence command, (i.e. Rule # 1 defined above), then GMAT’s Resources, Mission and Output trees will change color to a light olive green and a Non-Savable GUI Mode message will show up in red color at the top center of the main GMAT screen. This light olive green color change and Non-Savable GUI Mode message is simply telling you that GMAT's GUI is editable, runnable but you cannot save changes to your GMAT script via GMAT GUI's Save button.

If your GMAT script only contains #Include macro(s) after BeginMissionSequence (i.e. Rule # 2 defined above), then no color changes occur in GMAT's Resources, Mission and Output trees and you can save changes to your scripts either from GUI or script mode.


In GMAT, the default method of defining the file path of the external file(s) that you want to load using the #Include macro is: './My_Script_Snippet.txt'. This is the easiest and most convenient method of defining the path of your script snippet files as it simply requires that both your main script and script snippet file be in the same directory. You can also define both relative ('..\My_Script_Snippet.txt') and absolute paths to your external script snippet files.

The Examples section shows you simple yet powerful examples of how to use the #Include macro in simplifying your main GMAT scripts.


Initialize S/C from an external script snippet file called 'Initialize_Spacecraft.txt'. Run this example by creating a .txt file and paste contents of 'Initialize_Spacecraft.txt' and put this snippet script in same directory as the main GMAT script.

          Create Spacecraft aSat

%Initialize aSat from external file:
#Include './Initialize_Spacecraft.txt'

Create Propagator aProp

Create OrbitView anOrbitView
anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Earth}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedDays = 0.5}

%%%%%% Contents of 'Initialize_Spacecraft.txt' snippet file begins below:

aSat.DateFormat = UTCGregorian
aSat.Epoch = '02 Jan 2000 11:59:28.000'
aSat.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq
aSat.DisplayStateType = Cartesian
aSat.X = 8000
aSat.Y = 2000
aSat.Z = 4000
aSat.VX = 0.5
aSat.VY = 7.5
aSat.VZ = 1.5
aSat.DryMass = 1000
aSat.Cd = 2.2
aSat.Cr = 1.8
aSat.DragArea = 20
aSat.SRPArea = 1
aSat.NAIFId = -10009001
aSat.NAIFIdReferenceFrame = -9009001
aSat.OrbitColor = Yellow
aSat.TargetColor = Teal
aSat.Id = 'SatId'
aSat.Attitude = CoordinateSystemFixed
aSat.SPADSRPScaleFactor = 1
aSat.ModelFile = 'aura.3ds'
aSat.ModelOffsetX = 0
aSat.ModelOffsetY = 0
aSat.ModelOffsetZ = 0
aSat.ModelRotationX = 0
aSat.ModelRotationY = 0
aSat.ModelRotationZ = 0
aSat.ModelScale = 1
aSat.AttitudeDisplayStateType = 'Quaternion'
aSat.AttitudeRateDisplayStateType = 'AngularVelocity'
aSat.AttitudeCoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq
aSat.EulerAngleSequence = '321'

In this example, we call an external file through #Include macro which is used only after the BeginMissionSequence command. Perform a finite burn from an external script snippet file called 'Perform_FiniteBurn.txt'. Run this example by creating a .txt file and paste contents of 'Perform_FiniteBurn.txt' and put this snippet script in same directory as the main GMAT script.

          Create Spacecraft aSat

Create ChemicalTank aFuelTank

Create ChemicalThruster aThruster
aThruster.DecrementMass = true
aThruster.Tank = {aFuelTank}
aThruster.C1 = 1000 % Constant Thrust
aThruster.K1 = 300 % Constant Isp

aSat.Thrusters = {aThruster}
aSat.Tanks = {aFuelTank}

Create ForceModel aFM
aFM.CentralBody = Earth
aFM.PointMasses = {Earth}

Create Propagator aProp
aProp.FM = aFM

Create FiniteBurn aFB
aFB.Thrusters = {aThruster}

Create ReportFile rf
rf.Add = {aSat.UTCGregorian, aFB.TotalAcceleration1, ...
aFB.TotalAcceleration2, aFB.TotalAcceleration3, ...
aFB.TotalMassFlowRate, aFB.TotalThrust1, ...
aFB.TotalThrust2, aFB.TotalThrust3, ...
aSat.aThruster.MassFlowRate, ...
aSat.aThruster.ThrustMagnitude, aSat.aThruster.Isp}

Create OrbitView anOrbitView
anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Earth}


Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 1000}

%Perform a FiniteBurn from an external file:
#Include './Perform_FiniteBurn.txt'

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 1000}

%%%%%% Contents of 'Perform_FiniteBurn.txt' snippet file begins below:

% Do a Finite-Burn for 1800 Secs

BeginFiniteBurn aFB(aSat)
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.ElapsedSecs = 1800,  OrbitColor = Yellow}
EndFiniteBurn aFB(aSat)

In this example, we call external files through #Include macros which are used both before and after the BeginMissionSequence. Note that all objects in the Resources tree are imported and initialized from an external script snippet file called 'Entire_Resources_Tree.txt'. Similarly, all commands in the Mission tree are loaded from an external snippet file called 'Entire_Mission_Tree.txt'. Run this example by creating a .txt file and paste contents of 'Entire_Resources_Tree.txt'. Next create another .txt file and paste contents of 'Entire_Mission_Tree.txt'. Put both of these snippet scripts in same directory as the main GMAT script and then run the main GMAT script.

          % Initialize all Resources tree objects
% from an external file:
#Include './Entire_Resources_Tree.txt'


% Execute all Mission tree commands
% from an external file:
#Include './Entire_Mission_Tree.txt'

%%%%%% Contents of 'Entire_Resources_Tree.txt' snippet file begins below:

Create Spacecraft aSat

Create Propagator aProp

Create ImpulsiveBurn TOI

Create DifferentialCorrector aDC

Create OrbitView anOrbitView
anOrbitView.Add = {aSat, Earth}
anOrbitView.SolverIterations = All

%%%%%% Contents of 'Entire_Mission_Tree.txt' snippet file begins below:

Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Periapsis}

Target aDC
Vary aDC(TOI.Element1 = 0.24, {Perturbation = 0.001, ... 
Lower = 0.0, Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.5})
Maneuver TOI(aSat)
Propagate aProp(aSat) {aSat.Earth.Apoapsis}
Achieve aDC(aSat.Earth.RMAG = 42165)