General Tab (General Options Dialog Box)
General Options Dialog Box
Visual LISP Format Options
Diagnostic Tab (General Options
Dialog Box)
On the Visual LISP Tools
menu, on the Environment Options submenu, the General Options option
displays the General Options dialog box. In the General Options
dialog box, on the Diagnostic tab, the options control how VLISP
provides information about AutoLISP syntax.
The Diagnostic tab's options
are as follows:
Report Statistics During Syntax
If this option is selected,
the syntax checker and the file compiler report the statistics after checking
or compiling each top-level form and after each file.
Print Top Level Results On Load
If this option is selected,
top-level expressions are evaluated and printed in the Console window
when the expressions are loaded.
A top-level expression is
one that appears outside any other expression (for example, an expression
that appears outside of defun).
For example, the following call to list is
a top-level expression:
(list 1 2 3)
(defun foo (x) x)
Loading a file containing
this code results in the following being printed in the Console window,
if Print Top Level Results on Load is selected:
(1 2 3)
Print Notification Message After
If this option is selected,
each call to the load function
results in messages printed to the VLISP Console window.
Echo PRINx Output to ACAD
If this option is selected,
the default output of functions print, princ and prin1 is
echoed to the AutoCAD Command window and the VLISP Console window
instead of only to the VLISP Console window.
Inspect Drawing Objects Verbosely
If this option is selected,
the elements of an object are included in the Inspect window for a
drawing database object. If the option is not selected, only the
object line (containing the entity name) appears in drawing object
Inspect windows.
Do Not Debug Top-Level
If this option is selected
and Stop Once mode is set, the break will not occur before evaluating
every top-level form (such as defun)
during the file load process.
Animation Delay
Determines the pause length
between program steps in Animate mode, measured in milliseconds.
The default is 100.