The bookmark feature helps you navigate through VLISP text editor windows by letting you mark up to 32 positions (bookmarks) in each window. Once 32 bookmarks are set, adding a new bookmark results in the oldest bookmark being removed.
Each text editor window maintains its own set of bookmarks, and the bookmark navigation tools let you walk through the marks within each window independently of the other windows. A set of bookmarks within a window is known as a bookmark ring. You can step either forward or backward through the ring, and eventually return to the starting point.
Whenever you step to a bookmark, VLISP automatically places a marker at the location you are stepping from. In effect, the marker for the place you are jumping to is moved to the place you jumped from. This makes it easy to return to your original location just by stepping back in the opposite direction, or by cycling through all the bookmarks until you get back to the starting point.
- Move
the cursor to the location you want to mark.
- Press the Toggle Bookmark button on the toolbar, or press ALT +. (ALT plus a period).
Bookmarks may also be inserted automatically when using the Find command to search for text. See the discussion on search options in Searching for Text for more information on this feature.
To move the cursor from one bookmark to the next
- Move
the cursor to the previous bookmark in the ring by choosing Search
Previous Bookmark, or by pressing the Previous Bookmark toolbar icon. You can also accomplish this by pressing CTRL +, (CTRL plus a comma).
- Move
the cursor to the next bookmark in the ring by choosing Search
Next Bookmark, or by pressing the Next Bookmark toolbar icon. You can also accomplish this by pressing CTRL +. (CTRL plus a period).
In addition to jumping between bookmarks, you can also jump and select the text between two bookmarks.
To move the cursor and select text between bookmarks
- Press CTRL + SHIFT +, (comma) to select the text between the current location and the next bookmark.
- Press CTRL + SHIFT +. (period) to select the text between the current location and the previous bookmark.
- Move the cursor to the bookmarked location.
- Press
the Toggle Bookmark button, or press ALT +. (ALT plus a period).
The Toggle Bookmark command works as an on/off switch. If you issue the command when a bookmark is set, Toggle Bookmark turns it off. Issue the same command when there is no bookmark set, and Toggle Bookmark inserts a bookmark.
- To
remove all the bookmarks in the active window, press the Clear All Bookmarks
button on the toolbar, or choose Search
Clear All Bookmarks from the VLISP menu.