Display Control Functions

AutoCAD AutoLISP & Visual LISP

Display Control Functions

The following table provides summary descriptions of the AutoLISP display control functions.

Display control functions




Displays the AutoCAD graphics screen

(grdrawfrom to color [highlight])

Draws a vector between two points, in the current viewport

(grtext[box text [highlight]])

Writes text to the status line or to screen menu areas

(grvecsvlist [trans])

Draws multiple vectors on the graphics screen


Issues menu commands, or sets and retrieves menu item status


Verifies that a menu group is loaded

(prin1[expr [file-desc]])

Prints an expression to the command line or writes an expression to an open file

(princ [expr [file-desc]])

Prints an expression to the command line, or writes an expression to an open file

(print[expr [file-desc]])

Prints an expression to the command line, or writes an expression to an open file


Displays a string on your screen's prompt area

(redraw[ename [mode]])

Redraws the current viewport or a specified object (entity) in the current viewport


Prints a newline to the Command line


Switches from the graphics screen to the text screen


Switches from the graphics screen to the text screen (like the AutoCAD Flip Screen function key)


Returns a list of viewport descriptors for the current viewport configuration