Curve Measurement Functions

AutoCAD AutoLISP & Visual LISP

Curve Measurement Functions

The following table provides summary descriptions of the AutoLISP curve measurement functions.

Curve measurement functions



(vlax-curve-getArea curve-obj)

Returns the area inside the curve



Returns the length of the curve's segment from the curve's beginning to the specified point



Returns the length of the curve's segment between the curve's start point and the specified point



Returns the parameter of the endpoint of the curve



Returns the endpoint (in WCS coordinates) of the curve



Returns the distance along the curve from the beginning of the curve to the location of the specified parameter



Returns the parameter of the curve at the point



Returns the point (in WCS coordinates) along a curve at the distance specified by the user



Determines the point on the curve that corresponds to the param parameter and returns the point



Returns the start parameter on the curve



Returns the start point (in WCS coordinates) of the curve



Determines if the specified curve is closed (i.e., start point is same as endpoint)

(vlax-curve-isPeriodic curve-obj)

Determines if the specified curve has an infinite range in both directions and there is a period value dT, such that there is a point on curve at (u + dT) = point on curve (u), for any parameter u


Determines if there is a plane that contains the curve


curve-obj givenPnt [extend])

Returns the point (in WCS coordinates) on a curve that is nearest to the specified point

(vlax-curve-getClosestPointToProjectioncurve-obj givenPnt normal [extend])

Returns the point (in WCS coordinates) on a curve that is nearest to the specified point


curve-obj param)

Returns the first derivative (in WCS coordinates) of a curve at the specified location

(vlax-curve-getSecondDerivcurve-obj param)

Returns the second derivative (in WCS coordinates) of a curve at the specified location