Relational Tests

AutoCAD AutoLISP & Visual LISP

Relational Tests

Unless otherwise specified, an equivalency is implied for each item in the filter-list. For numeric groups (integers, reals, points, and vectors), you can specify other relations by including a special -4 group code that specifies a relational operator. The value of a -4 group is a string indicating the test operator to be applied to the next group in the filter-list.

The following selects all circles with a radius (group code 40) greater than or equal to 2.0:

(ssget "X" '((0 . "CIRCLE") (-4 . ">=") (40 . 2.0)))

The possible relational operators are shown in the following table:

Relational operators for selection set filter lists




Anything goes (always true)




Not equal to


Not equal to


Not equal to


Less than


Less than or equal to


Greater than


Greater than or equal to


Bitwise AND (integer groups only)


Bitwise masked equals (integer groups only)

The use of relational operators depends on the kind of group you are testing:

  • All relational operators except for the bitwise operators ("&" and "&=") are valid for both real- and integer-valued groups.
  • The bitwise operators "&" and "&=" are valid only for integer-valued groups. The bitwise AND, "&", is true if ((integer_group & filter) /= 0)—that is, if any of the bits set in the mask are also set in the integer group. The bitwise masked equals, "&=", is true if ((integer_group & filter) = filter)—that is, if all bits set in the mask are also set in the integer_group (other bits might be set in the integer_group but are not checked).
  • For point groups, the X, Y, and Z tests can be combined into a single string, with each operator separated by commas (for example, ">,>,*"). If an operator is omitted from the string (for example, "=,<>" leaves out the Z test), then the “anything goes” operator, "*", is assumed.
  • Direction vectors (group type 210) can be compared only with the operators "*", "=", and "!=" (or one of the equivalent “not equal” strings).
  • You cannot use the relational operators with string groups; use wild-card tests instead.