When you specify a header and footer in the Page Setup dialog box, only the ampersand character (&) is considered as an escape character. Both the ampersand and the character that follows are not copied to the output line. Instead, they either justify the following text, or VLISP replaces them with variable information.
In the Page Setup dialog box, justification codes indicate how header text is justified on the printed page. You can specify any of the following:
In the Page Setup dialog box, replace codes are variables for which VLISP substitutes values. Specify any of the following:
To include an ampersand character in your heading text, enter two in succession.
The default heading is set to the following:
&cFile: &f &r&dt
The default footing is set as follows:
The following is a sample printed page from an AutoLISP source file using the default page layout settings:
(defun saveDrawingInfo (calling-reactor commandInfo / dwgname filesize)
(setq dwgname (cadr commandInfo)
filesize (vl-file-size dwgname)
(alert (strcat "The file size of “ dwgname “ is “))