Zero-Pole-Gain Model Definitions (System Identification Toolkit)
If you rewrite the equations for the transfer function model to show the locations of the zeroes and poles of the dynamic system, you obtain the zero-pole-gain model.
The following is the equation for the continuous zero-pole-gain SISO model.
The following is the equation for the discrete-time zero-pole-gain SISO model.
where k is the transfer function gain, Zi are the zeroes, and Pj are the poles. When s or z equals 0, you can calculate the static gain from the two equations.
The following is the equation for the continuous zero-pole-gain MISO model.
The following is the equation for the discrete-time zero-pole-gain MISO model.
The LabVIEW System Identification Toolkit does not provide a VI to estimate zero-pole-gain models directly because you can use the SI Model Conversion VI to convert another model representation to a zero-pole-gain model.