Step 4 Change Views

Visual LANSA Logical Modeler

Step 4. Change Views

In this step, you will learn how to toggle the view of the model to show Entity Elements or Build Status. These views are important at different times in the modeling process.

1.  Use the Pan and Zoom function to display as much of the model as possible while maintaining its readability.

2.  Click on a blank portion of the diagram. This ensures that no diagram objects are selected.  Select the View menu and choose the Show Build Status (All Entities) option.  All entities in the diagram will be updated to show their Build Status.

     Note that for Data and Variant entities, a status is shown for each of the build phases: Fields, File and Relationships. For Conceptual entities, which are not built into database tables, only the status of the Fields build phase is shown.

3.  To switch back to the Elements view for all entities, select the View menu and choose the Show Elements (All Entities) option.  As well as being able to change the view for the entire model, individual entities can have their view changed. Ensure the Elements view for all entities is active.

4.  Select the Customer and Order entities by holding down the shift key and clicking on them. Note that when a shape is selected, it is bordered by gray padlock images. Select the View menu and choose the Show Build Status (Selected Entities) option.  The Customer and Order entities will have their Build Status view displayed, while all other entities retain their Elements view.

5.  Switch back to the Elements view for the Customer and Order entities by selecting the View menu and choosing the Show Elements (Selected Entities) option.  In some instances, you may wish to show neither the Elements or Build Status views. The modeler enables you to collapse entities, so that only their names are shown.  Ensure the Elements view for all entities is active.

6.  Select the View menu and choose the Show Collapsed (All Entities) option.  All entities in the diagram should have their shapes collapsed, such that only their names are shown.  It is also possible to collapse an individual entity.  Ensure the Elements view for all entities is active.

7.  Select the Customer entity by clicking on it.

8.  Select the View menu and choose the Show Collapsed (Selected Entities) option.  The Customer entity should be collapsed, showing only its name.

By using combinations of the View options described above, the view of the diagram can be tailored to your specific needs, depending on the phase of your modeling.