
Visual LANSA Logical Modeler


Important Observations

  • Entities may be queued for build individually or the entire model can be queued for build. When building an entire model, the Logical Modeler analyses the build requirements and places build activities in the correct order, based on interdependencies with other entities.
  • Build activities can be deleted, held and released once they are placed on the Builder Queue, in a similar fashion to an iSeries job queue.
  • There are three phases of building: Repository Fields, Database File and Relationships. The Database File and Relationships phases are dependant on the successful completion of the build phases that precede them.
  • Entity Build Statuses are updated with the date and time at which the three build phases were executed.
  • Model objects are transformed into repository objects:
  • Elements are transformed into field definitions.
  • Element notes are transformed into field help text.
  • Conceptual entities are transformed into fields.
  • Data and Variant entities are transformed into database files.
  • Relationships between entities are transformed into inherited fields, access routes, logical files and referential integrity rules.
  • User views are transformed into logical files.

Tips and Techniques

  • Use the Build Model function to perform builds. All entities which require building will be queued in the correct sequence based on interdependencies with other entities. This cannot be assured when building entities individually.
  • Execute as many build cycles as you like and correct errors as you go. You do not need to concentrate on field and file names while constructing your model.

What I Should Know

  • How to build an individual entity.
  • How to build the entire model.
  • How to use the Builder Queue.
  • What is implemented in the repository when a build is performed.