10 3 Understanding Builds

Visual LANSA Logical Modeler

10.3 Understanding Builds

Following is a summary of what is built in LANSA for each part of your model:

Builds and Entities

Data and Variant entities are implemented in the repository as database tables. The table name is taken from the entity physical file name.

Builds and Elements

Each element is implemented as a repository field. It also becomes a field in a file during the database build.

The identifying element will become part of the key to the file. The complete file key may be determined by relationships.

If a data type was specified for the element, the field will reference the corresponding data type field's characteristics. In addition, validation rules and help text will be copied from the reference field.

If a data type was not specified, the field is created from the type and length details in the model.

Element notes become field-level help text.

Element field names in the repository will have the format:



      xxxxxxxxx is the element field name.

Builds and Relationships

A relationship will create:

  • access routes between the two files which it relates
  • validation rules for referential integrity between the two files which it relates
  • a logical file for the file which includes the inherited, foreign key element(s).

If a logical view name has been specified on the relationship, it will be used.  Note that a logical view name should have been specified if the physical file name of the affected entity is greater than the maximum length allowed (10 if the *RPGIV setting in your IBM i enabled, 8 if it is not).  A build error will be generated if the entity physical file name is longer than the maximum allowed and a logical view name has not been specified.

If the physical file name is up to two characters shorter than the maximum number of characters allowed, the modeler will create one automatically, with a name in the format:



      oooooooo is the entity physical file name and

      nn is a unique, two-digit number.

Builds and User Views

A user view will create a logical file in LANSA.

If a logical view name has been specified, it will be used.  Note that a logical view name should have been specified if the physical file name of the affected entity is greater than the maximum number of characters allowed.  A build error will be generated if the entity physical file name is more than the maximum number of characters allowed and a logical view name has not been specified.

If the physical file name of the affected entity is up to two characters less than the maximum length allowed and a logical view name has not been specified, the modeler will create one automatically, with a name in the format:



      oooooooo is the entity physical file name and

      nn is a unique, two digit number. Note that these numbers will follow on sequentially from those in logical files which have been automatically created by the modeler as the result of relationships with other files.