NI Vision Objects Reference

NI Vision for Visual Basic

NI Vision Objects Reference

CWIMAQCWIMAQ is the top-level object for the CWIMAQ control.
CWIMAQAIMGradeReportCWIMAQAIMGradeReport contains the results of grading a Data Matrix barcode. If a Data Matrix barcode cannot be located by CWIMAQVision.ReadDataMatrixBarcode2, the function assigns the Data Matrix barcode the value cwimaqAIMGradeF for all grades and the value 0 for all raw scores.
CWIMAQAnnulusCWIMAQAnnulus contains properties that specify an annulus, as shown in the following illustration.
CWIMAQArcCWIMAQArc contains properties that specify an arc.
CWIMAQArcsCWIMAQArcs is a collection of CWIMAQArc objects. Use CWIMAQArcs to specify multiple arcs.
CWIMAQAVISessionCWIMAQAVISession is an object used to read and write AVI files.
CWIMAQBarcode2DReportCWIMAQBarcode2DReport is a collection of CWIMAQBarcode2DReportItem objects. It contains one entry for every barcode found in the image by CWIMAQVision.ReadDataMatrixBarcode or CWIMAQVision.ReadPDF417Barcode.
CWIMAQBarcode2DReportItemCWIMAQBarcode2DReportItem contains parameters that specify the results of reading a 2D barcode.
CWIMAQBarcodeReportCWIMAQBarcodeReport is a collection of CWIMAQBarcodeReportItem objects. This collection contains one element after calling CWIMAQVision.ReadBarcode.
CWIMAQBarcodeReportItemCWIMAQBarcodeReportItem contains parameters that specify the results of reading a barcode.
CWIMAQBasicParticleReportCWIMAQBasicParticleReport is a collection of CWIMAQBasicParticleReportItem objects. It contains one entry for each particle in the image.
CWIMAQBasicParticleReportItemCWIMAQBasicParticleReportItem contains information about a particle.
CWIMAQBCGOptionsCWIMAQBCGOptions specifies the options to use when performing a BCGTransform or a ColorBCGTransform.
CWIMAQBMPFileOptionsCWIMAQBMPFileOptions specifies the options to use when writing a BMP file.
CWIMAQBrokenlineCWIMAQBrokenline contains the points of a broken line shape. This shape is similar to a polygon, but is not closed.
CWIMAQCalibrationGridOptionsCWIMAQCalibrationGridOptions contains information about the calibration grid image used by the CWIMAQVision.LearnCalibrationGrid method.
CWIMAQCalibrationPointsCWIMAQCalibrationPoints specifies a set of reference points used in learning a calibration transformation.
CWIMAQCalibrationReportCWIMAQCalibrationReport contains parameters specifying the result of the CWIMAQVision.GetCalibrationInformation method.
CWIMAQCaliperOptionsCWIMAQCaliperOptions contains options for the CWIMAQVision.Caliper2 method.
CWIMAQCaliperReportCWIMAQCaliperReport is a collection of CWIMAQCaliperReportItem objects that contain the results of the CWIMAQVision.Caliper2 method. It contains one item for each detected edge pair.
CWIMAQCaliperReportItemCWIMAQCaliperReportItem contains information about a detected edge pair.
CWIMAQCIEXYZColorCWIMAQCIEXYZColor specifies the a color in the CIE XYZ colorspace.
CWIMAQCircleDescriptorCWIMAQCircleDescriptor contains properties that specify the set of circles to detect.
CWIMAQCircleMatchReportCWIMAQCircleMatchReport is a collection of CWIMAQCircleMatchReportItem objects. It contains one entry per circle found in the image by CWIMAQVision.DetectCircles.
CWIMAQCircleMatchReportItemCWIMAQCircleMatchReportItem contains information about a particular detected circle.
CWIMAQCirclesReportCWIMAQCirclesReport is a collection of CWIMAQCirclesReportItem objects that contain the results of the CWIMAQVision.FindCircles method. It has one entry for each circle detected in the image.
CWIMAQCirclesReportItemCWIMAQCirclesReportItem contains information about a detected circle.
CWIMAQClassifierCWIMAQClassifier is an object that assigns images or feature vectors to classes based on how it has been trained.
CWIMAQClassifierAccuracyReportCWIMAQClassifierAccuracyReport is a report on the accuracy of the classifier, based on how well it classifies the samples it was trained with.
CWIMAQClassifierReportCWIMAQClassifierReport contains the results of the CWIMAQClassifier.Classify and CWIMAQCustomClassifier.CustomClassify methods.
CWIMAQClassifierSampleCWIMAQClassifierSample represents a sample on which the classifier will be trained.
CWIMAQClassifierSamplesCWIMAQClassifierSamples is a collection of CWIMAQClassifierSample objects. It contains one item for each sample in the classifier.
CWIMAQClassScoreCWIMAQClassScore contains the results of classification for a class in the classifier.
CWIMAQClassScoresCWIMAQClassScores is a collection of CWIMAQClassScore objects that contain the results of the CWIMAQClassifier.Classify method. It contains one item for each class in the classifier.
CWIMAQColorCWIMAQColor contains parameters specifying the result of a color acquisition.
CWIMAQColorInformationThe CWIMAQColorInformation object contains information to use with CWIMAQVision.MatchColor. You can generate this information using CWIMAQVision.LearnColor.
CWIMAQColorValueConversionOptionsCWIMAQColorValueConversionOptions specifies the options to use when converting color values to numerical values.
CWIMAQContourSegmentsReportCWIMAQContourSegmentsReport is a collection of CWIMAQContourSegmentsReportItem objects that contain the results of the CWIMAQVision.GetPointsOnContour method. This collection contains one item for each segment in the image.
CWIMAQContourSegmentsReportItemCWIMAQContourSegmentsReportItem contains information about a particular edge segment found by the CWIMAQVision.GetPointsOnContour method.
CWIMAQCoordinatesReportCWIMAQCoordinatesReport contains the converted coordinates that result from the CWIMAQVision.ConvertRealWorldToPixelCoordinates or the CWIMAQVision.ConvertPixelToRealWorldCoordinates methods.
CWIMAQCoordinateSystemCWIMAQCoordinateSystem specifies the coordinate system defined by an origin, angle, and axis orientation.
CWIMAQCurveOptionsCWIMAQCurveOptions contains parameters used by various methods to find curves in an image.
CWIMAQCurveReportCWIMAQCurveReport is a collection of CWIMAQCurveReportItem objects that contain the results of the CWIMAQVision.ExtractCurves method. This collection contains one item for each curve in the image.
CWIMAQCurveReportItemCWIMAQCurveReportItem contains information about a curve found by the CWIMAQVision.ExtractCurves method.
CWIMAQCustomClassifierCWIMAQCustomClassifier is a classifier that classifies feature vectors.
CWIMAQCustomClassifierSampleCWIMAQCustomClassifierSample represents a sample on which the classifier will be trained.
CWIMAQCustomClassifierSamplesCWIMAQCustomClassifierSamples is a collection of CWIMAQCustomClassifierSample objects. It contains one item for each sample in the custom classifier.
CWIMAQDataCWIMAQData is an object you can use to simplify the process of writing and reading data. CWIMAQData contains properties that you can set as appropriate. You can use CWIMAQData to read and write numerical and string data. For example, you can use CWIMAQData to record temperature data and pass it to frames of an AVI. Also, you can use CWIMAQData to capture image description information in the form of a string value, and pass that value to an image as custom data.
CWIMAQDataMatrixDescriptionOptionsCWIMAQDataMatrixDescriptionOptions describes the Data Matrix barcode that CWIMAQVision.ReadDataMatrixBarcode2 should look for.
CWIMAQDataMatrixOptionsCWIMAQDataMatrixOptions defines how the method searches for the Data Matrix barcode.
CWIMAQDataMatrixReportCWIMAQDataMatrixReport contains parameters that specify the results of reading a Data Matrix barcode.
CWIMAQDataMatrixSearchOptionsCWIMAQDataMatrixSearchOptions contains the search options the function uses when searching for the Data Matrix barcode in the image.
CWIMAQDataMatrixSizeOptionsCWIMAQDataMatrixSizeOptions contains the size options the method uses when searching for a Data Matrix barcode in the image.
CWIMAQDiscriminationDataObsolete—CWIMAQDiscriminationData contains parameters to specify the action of a particle discrimination method.
CWIMAQDisplayMappingCWIMAQDisplayMapping enables the pixel mapping policy for displaying 16-bit images. Because 16-bit grayscale images cannot be displayed with their full resolution on 32-bit color displays using common video adapters limited to 8-bit resolution per color plane , 16-bit images must be mapped to the 8-bit range (0 to 255).
CWIMAQEdgeCoordinatesReportCWIMAQEdgeCoordinatesReport contains information about the edges found by CWIMAQVision.Rake, CWIMAQVision.Spoke, or CWIMAQVision.ConcentricRake.
CWIMAQEdgeInfoItemCWIMAQEdgeInfoItem contains information about a detected edge.
CWIMAQEdgeInfoItemsCWIMAQEdgeInfoItems is a collection of CWIMAQEdgeInfoItem objects. It contains one entry for each edge found in the image by CWIMAQVision.FindEdges3.
CWIMAQEdgeOptionsCWIMAQEdgeOptions defines the characteristics of the filter used to detect edges.
CWIMAQEdgeOptions2CWIMAQEdgeOptions2 defines the characteristics of the filter used to detect edges.
CWIMAQEdgeReportCWIMAQEdgeReport is a collection of CWIMAQEdgeReportItem objects that contain the results of the CWIMAQVision.FindEdges2 method. It contains one item for each detected edge.
CWIMAQEdgeReport2CWIMAQEdgeReportItem contains information about a detected edge.
CWIMAQEdgeReportItemCWIMAQEdgeReportItem contains information about a detected edge.
CWIMAQEdgesOnLineCWIMAQEdgesOnLine contains the coordinates of all edges found along a given search line.
CWIMAQEdgesOnLinesCWIMAQEdgesOnLines is a collection of CWIMAQEdgesOnLine objects. It has one entry for each search line.
CWIMAQEllipseDescriptorCWIMAQEllipseDescriptor contains properties that specify the ellipses to detect.
CWIMAQEllipseMatchReportCWIMAQEllipseMatchReport is a collection of CWIMAQEllipseMatchReportItem objects. It contains one entry per ellipse found in the image by CWIMAQVision.DetectEllipses.
CWIMAQEllipseMatchReportItemCWIMAQEllipseMatchReportItem contains information about a particular detected ellipse.
CWIMAQEncoderCWIMAQEncoder represents encoder data and properties that you can configure.
CWIMAQFileInformationCWIMAQFileInformation contains information regarding the contents of the file that was passed to CWIMAQVision.GetFileInformation.
CWIMAQFitCircleOptionsCWIMAQFitCircleOptions specifies the options to use when calling CWIMAQVision.FitCircle2.
CWIMAQFitCircleReportCWIMAQFitCircleReport contains results of the CWIMAQVision.FitCircle2 method.
CWIMAQFitEllipseOptionsCWIMAQFitEllipseOptions specifies the options to use when calling CWIMAQVision.FitEllipse2.
CWIMAQFitEllipseReportCWIMAQFitEllipseReport contains results of the CWIMAQVision.FitEllipse2 method.
CWIMAQFitLineReportCWIMAQFitLineReport contains results of the CWIMAQVision.FitLine method.
CWIMAQFlattenOptionsCWIMAQFlattenOptions specifies the options to use with CWIMAQVision.FlattenImage.
CWIMAQFreelineCWIMAQFreeline contains the points of a free-form line shape. This shape is similar to a broken line, but individual points can not be dragged.
CWIMAQFreeregionCWIMAQFreeregion contains the points of a free-form region. This shape is similar to a polygon, but individual points are not draggable.

CWIMAQFullParticleReport is a collection of CWIMAQFullParticleReportItem objects that contain parameters specifying the result of a particle analysis method. This collection has one item for each particle on the image.

Note  The CWIMAQFullParticleReport object is used only with the CWIMAQVision.Particle method.

CWIMAQFullParticleReportItem contains information about a particle.

Note  The CWIMAQFullParticleReportItem object is used only with the CWIMAQVision.Particle method.
CWIMAQGeometricFeatureReportCWIMAQGeometricFeatureReport is a collection of CWIMAQGeometricFeatureReportItem objects.
CWIMAQGeometricFeatureReportItemCWIMAQGeometricFeatureReportItem contains information about a particular geometric feature.
CWIMAQGeometricFeatureTypeOptionsSpecifies a set of geometric feature types.
CWIMAQGeometricPatternMatchReportCWIMAQGeometricPatternMatchReport is a collection of CWIMAQGeometricPatternMatchReportItem objects. It contains one entry for every match found in the image.
CWIMAQGeometricPatternMatchReportItemCWIMAQGeometricPatternMatchReportItem contains information about a particular geometric pattern match.
CWIMAQGridDescriptorCWIMAQGridDescriptor contains information about a grid image that is used to learn the calibration.
CWIMAQHistogramOptionsCWIMAQHistogramOptions specifies the options needed to perform a histogram operation.
CWIMAQHistogramReportCWIMAQHistogramReport is a collection of CWIMAQHistogramReportItem objects. This report is filled with one item by CWIMAQVision.Histogram2 and CWIMAQVision.ColorHistogram3.
CWIMAQHistogramReportItemCWIMAQHistogramReportItem contains parameters that specify the result of a histogram operation.
CWIMAQIgnoreColorSpectraCWIMAQIgnoreColorSpectra contains information about color spectra that is ignored by CWIMAQVision.LearnColorPattern. Any color spectrum excluded during the learning process is also ignored from the template in the match phase. Use this object to ignore background colors that you do not want to be part of the template image.
CWIMAQImageCWIMAQImage represents image data and properties that you can configure on a per image basis.
CWIMAQImageClassifierCWIMAQImageClassifier is an object that assigns images to classes based on how it has been trained.
CWIMAQImageDialogCWIMAQImageDialog is a dialog box for selecting images that shows previews of the images.
CWIMAQImagesCWIMAQImages is a collection of CWIMAQImage objects. Add CWIMAQImage objects to the CWIMAQImages collection to specify the number of images in an acquisition.
CWIMAQInspectionAlignmentCWIMAQInspectionAlignment specifies the location within an image where the golden template is located.
CWIMAQInspectionOptionsCWIMAQInspectionOptions specifies the options used by CWIMAQVision.CompareGoldenTemplate.
CWIMAQJPEG2000FileAdvancedOptionsCWIMAQJPEG2000FileAdvancedOptions specifies the advanced options to use when writing a JPEG2000 file.
CWIMAQJPEGFileOptionsCWIMAQJPEGFileOptions specifies the options to use when writing a JPEG file.
CWIMAQKernelCWIMAQKernel represents image processing kernel data and properties that you can configure on a per kernel basis.
CWIMAQLCDInformationThe CWIMAQLCDInformation object contains information to use with CWIMAQVision.ReadLCD. You can generate this information using CWIMAQVision.FindLCDSegments.
CWIMAQLCDSegmentsReportCWIMAQLCDSegmentsReport is a collection of CWIMAQLCDSegmentsReportItem objects that is returned by CWIMAQVision.ReadLCD. It contains one item for every LCD digit.
CWIMAQLCDSegmentsReportItemCWIMAQLCDSegmentsReportItem contains information regarding the state of segments in the LCD digit.
CWIMAQLearnCalibrationOptionsCWIMAQLearnCalibrationOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnCalibrationGrid and CWIMAQVision.LearnCalibrationPoints to learn the calibration template.
CWIMAQLearnColorPatternOptionsCWIMAQLearnColorPatternOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnColorPattern to learn the template.
CWIMAQLearnGeometricPatternAdvancedOptionsCWIMAQLearnGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnGeometricPattern to learn the template.
CWIMAQLearnGeometricPatternOptionsCWIMAQLearnGeometricPatternOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnGeometricPattern to learn the template.
CWIMAQLearnPatternAdvancedOptionsCWIMAQLearnPatternAdvancedOptions contains advanced parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnPattern2 to learn the template.
CWIMAQLearnPatternAdvancedRotationOptionsCWIMAQLearnPatternAdvancedRotationOptions contains advanced parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnPattern2 during the rotation phase to learn the template.
CWIMAQLearnPatternAdvancedShiftOptionsCWIMAQLearnPatternAdvancedShiftOptions contains advanced parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnPattern2 during the shift phase to learn the template.
CWIMAQLearnPatternOptionsCWIMAQLearnPatternOptions contains the LearnMode parameter used by CWIMAQVision.LearnPattern2 to learn the template. Creating this object is optional; you can directly pass the LearnMode to CWIMAQVision.LearnPattern2.
CWIMAQLineCWIMAQLine contains properties that specify a line.
CWIMAQLinearAveragesReportCWIMAQLinearAveragesReport contains results of the CWIMAQVision.LinearAverages method.
CWIMAQLineDescriptorCWIMAQLineDescriptor contains properties that specify the set of lines to detect.
CWIMAQLineEquationCWIMAQLineEquation contains properties of a line equation in normal form, Ax + By + C = 0.
CWIMAQLineMatchReportCWIMAQLineMatchReport is a collection of CWIMAQLineMatchReportItem objects. It contains one entry per line found in the image by CWIMAQVision.DetectLines.
CWIMAQLineMatchReportItemCWIMAQLineMatchReportItem contains information about a particular detected line.
CWIMAQLinesCWIMAQLines is a collection of CWIMAQLine objects. This collection is used to specify multiple lines.
CWIMAQLocalThresholdOptionsCWIMAQLocalThresholdOptions specifies the options to use when performing a local threshold using CWIMAQVision.LocalThreshold.
CWIMAQMatchColorPatternOptionsCWIMAQMatchColorPatternOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.MatchColorPattern to find the color template in the image.
CWIMAQMatchGeometricPatternAdvancedOptionsCWIMAQMatchGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions contains parameters used by the CWIMAQVision.MatchGeometricPattern and CWIMAQVision.MatchMultipleGeometricPatterns to find the template in the image.
CWIMAQMatchGeometricPatternOptionsCWIMAQMatchGeometricPatternOptions contains parameters used by theCWIMAQVision.MatchGeometricPattern and CWIMAQVision.MatchMultipleGeometricPatterns methods to find the template in the image.
CWIMAQMatchPatternAdvancedOptionsCWIMAQMatchPatternAdvancedOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.MatchPattern2 to find the template in the image.
CWIMAQMatchPatternOptionsCWIMAQMatchPatternOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.MatchPattern2 to find the template in the image.
CWIMAQMeterArcCWIMAQMeterArc object describes the arc that a meter sweeps. It contains information that the ReadMeter method uses.
CWIMAQMultipleGeometricTemplateCWIMAQMultipleGeometricTemplate specifies the template images, the associated labels and the match options required to find these templates in the target image.
CWIMAQMultiThresholdDataCWIMAQMultiThresholdData is a collection of CWIMAQMultiThresholdDataItem objects that specifies the threshold ranges. Add one item for each range that you want to threshold.
CWIMAQMultiThresholdDataItemCWIMAQMultiThresholdDataItem contains parameters that specify the mode and threshold range. These parameters are analogous to those used by CWIMAQVision.Threshold.
CWIMAQNearestNeighborEngineOptionsCWIMAQNearestNeighborEngineOptions specifies the options to use when training with a Nearest Neighbor engine.
CWIMAQNearestNeighborTrainClassScoreCWIMAQNearestNeighborTrainClassScore contains the result of training with the Nearest Neighbor engine for each class.
CWIMAQNearestNeighborTrainClassScoresCWIMAQNearestNeighborTrainClassScores is a collection of CWIMAQNearestNeighborTrainClassScore objects that contain the results of the CWIMAQClassifier.TrainNearestNeighbor method. It contains one item for each class in the classifier.
CWIMAQNearestNeighborTrainingReportCWIMAQNearestNeighborTrainingReport contains the result of training with CWIMAQClassifier.TrainNearestNeighbor.
CWIMAQOvalCWIMAQOval contains properties that specify an oval.
CWIMAQOverlayCWIMAQOverlay contains methods that draw shapes onto the overlay. These shapes are displayed on top of a CWIMAQImage. Overlays do not modify the actual image pixels and are deleted when the image is resized. To save overlay information along with an image, use CWIMAQVision.WriteImageAndVisionInfo.
CWIMAQOverlaysCWIMAQOverlays is a collection of CWIMAQOverlay objects that is associated with a particular image. When this collection is created, a default CWIMAQOverlay object with an index of 1 is created.
CWIMAQPaletteCWIMAQPalette represents palette data and properties that you can configure on a per palette basis.
CWIMAQParticleClassifierCWIMAQParticleClassifier is a classifier that classifies particles in binary images.
CWIMAQParticleClassifierOptionsCWIMAQParticleClassifierOptions contains options on how the CWIMAQParticleClassifier classifies particles.
CWIMAQParticleFilter2DataCWIMAQParticleFilter2Data is a collection of CWIMAQParticleFilter2DataItem objects. These objects are used by CWIMAQVision.ParticleFilter2 to filter particles from an image. Add one entry for each filter criterion.
CWIMAQParticleFilter2DataItemCWIMAQParticleFilter2DataItem contains parameters that determine which particles CWIMAQVision.ParticleFilter2 will filter from an image.
CWIMAQParticleFilterDataObsolete—CWIMAQParticleFilterData is a collection of CWIMAQParticleFilterDataItem objects. These objects are used by CWIMAQVision.ParticleFilter to filter particles from an image. Add one entry for each filter criterion.
CWIMAQParticleFilterDataItemObsolete—CWIMAQParticleFilterDataItem contains parameters that determine which particles CWIMAQVision.ParticleFilter will filter from an image.
CWIMAQParticlePreprocessingOptionsCWIMAQParticlePreprocessingOptions contains options on how the CWIMAQParticleClassifier converts images into particles.
CWIMAQParticleReportCWIMAQParticleReport is a collection of CWIMAQParticleReportItem objects. These objects are returned by CWIMAQVision.ParticleReport with information about each particle.
CWIMAQParticleReportItemCWIMAQParticleReportItem contains information about a particle.
CWIMAQParticleSelectionDataObsolete—CWIMAQParticleSelectionData is a collection of CWIMAQParticleSelectionDataItem objects. Add an item for each selection criterion you want to use.
CWIMAQParticleSelectionDataItemObsolete—CWIMAQParticleSelectionDataItem contains parameters that specify a selection criterion, which is used by CWIMAQVision.SelectParticles to filter entries from a CWIMAQBasicParticleReport or a CWIMAQFullParticleReport.
CWIMAQPatternMatchReportCWIMAQPatternMatchReport is a collection of CWIMAQPatternMatchReportItem objects. It contains one entry for every match found in the image by CWIMAQVision.MatchPattern2 or CWIMAQVision.MatchColorPattern. CWIMAQPatternMatchReport will never contain more entries than NumMatchesRequested.
CWIMAQPatternMatchReportItemCWIMAQPatternMatchReportItem contains information about a particular pattern match.
CWIMAQPeakValleyReportCWIMAQPeakValleyReport is a collection of CWIMAQPeakValleyReportItem objects. It contains one entry for every peak or valley detected by CWIMAQVision.DetectPeaksOrValleys.
CWIMAQPeakValleyReportItemCWIMAQPeakValleyReportItem contains information about a particular peak or valley.
CWIMAQPNGFileOptionsCWIMAQPNGFileOptions specifies the options to use when writing a PNG file.
CWIMAQPointCWIMAQPoint contains properties that specify a point.
CWIMAQPointsCWIMAQPoints is a collection of CWIMAQPoint objects.
CWIMAQPolygonCWIMAQPolygon contains the points of a polygon.
CWIMAQProfileReportCWIMAQProfileReport is a collection of CWIMAQProfileReportItem objects. This report is filled with one item by CWIMAQVision.LineProfile and CWIMAQVision.RegionsProfile.
CWIMAQProfileReportItemCWIMAQProfileReportItem contains results of a profiling analysis method.
CWIMAQPulseCWIMAQPulse represents pulse data and properties that you can configure on a per pulse basis.
CWIMAQPulsesCWIMAQPulses is a collection of CWIMAQPulse objects. You can add CWIMAQPulse objects to the CWIMAQPulses collection and associate a CWIMAQPulse object with a CWIMAQSignal object.
CWIMAQQRCodeReportCWIMAQQRCodeReport contains parameters that specify the results of reading a QR code.
CWIMAQQRDataTokenCWIMAQQRDataToken contains contains the data tokenized in exactly the way it was encoded in the QR code. This is useful if the symbol is encoded using multiple languages.
CWIMAQQRDataTokensCWIMAQQRDataTokens is a collection of CWIMAQQRDataToken objects.
CWIMAQQRDescriptionOptionsCWIMAQQRDescriptionOptions describes the QR code that CWIMAQVision.ReadQRCode should look for.
CWIMAQQRSearchOptionsCWIMAQQRSearchOptions contains the search options the function uses when searching for the QR code in the image.
CWIMAQQRSizeOptionsCWIMAQQRSizeOptions contains the size options the method uses when searching for a QR code in the image.
CWIMAQQuantifyReportCWIMAQQuantifyReport is a collection of CWIMAQQuantifyReportItem objects. It contains one item for each region supplied to CWIMAQVision.Quantify.
CWIMAQQuantifyReportItemCWIMAQQuantifyReportItem contains quantification data relative to a region within the image passed to CWIMAQVision.Quantify.
CWIMAQRangeCWIMAQRange contains properties that specify a range of values.
CWIMAQRangesCWIMAQRanges is a collection of CWIMAQRange objects. This collection is used to specify multiple ranges.
CWIMAQRectangleCWIMAQRectangle contains properties that specify a rectangle.
CWIMAQRectangleDescriptorCWIMAQRectangleDescriptor contains properties that specify the set of rectangles to detect.
CWIMAQRectangleMatchReportCWIMAQRectangleMatchReport is a collection of CWIMAQRectangleMatchReportItem objects. It contains one entry per rectangle found in the image by CWIMAQVision.DetectRectangles.
CWIMAQRectangleMatchReportItemCWIMAQRectangleMatchReportItem contains information about a particular detected rectangle.
CWIMAQRegionCWIMAQRegion represents region data and properties that you can configure on a per region basis. This object contains a shape object. Use the Shape property to find out what type of shape a CWIMAQRegion contains. To access the shape object, set the region to a shape variable of the appropriate type. For example, Set MyLine = MyRegions(1) allows you to manipulate the line that is contained in MyRegions(1).
CWIMAQRegionsCWIMAQRegions is a collection of CWIMAQRegion objects. Every CWIMAQViewer control has a CWIMAQRegions collection associated with it, which you can use to add and manipulate region objects on the viewer. In addition, you can create a CWIMAQRegions object that is not associated with a CWIMAQViewer control.
CWIMAQRotatedRectangleCWIMAQRotatedRectangle contains properties that specify a rectangle. A rotated rectangle is specified by a center point, width, height, and an angle. The width and height parameters set the axes that are horizontal and vertical, respectively, when the rectangle is not rotated (Angle = 0).
CWIMAQSearchLineCWIMAQSearchLine contains information about a search line
CWIMAQSearchLinesCWIMAQSearchLines is a collection of CWIMAQSearchLine objects.
CWIMAQShapeDetectionOptionsCWIMAQShapeDetectionOptions specifies the options that CWIMAQVision.DetectCircles, CWIMAQVisionDetectEllipses, CWIMAQVision.DetectLines, or CWIMAQVision.DetectRectangles use to detect shapes.
CWIMAQShapeReportCWIMAQShapeReport is a collection of CWIMAQShapeReportItem objects. It contains one CWIMAQShapeReportItem for each match found.
CWIMAQShapeReportItemCWIMAQShapeReportItem contains information about each match found by CWIMAQVision.ShapeMatch.
CWIMAQSignalCWIMAQSignal represents signal data and properties that you can configure on a per signal basis.
CWIMAQSignalsCWIMAQSignals is a collection of CWIMAQSignal objects. Add CWIMAQSignal objects to the CWIMAQSignals collection to specify the number of signals in an acquisition.
CWIMAQSimpleCalibrationOptionsCWIMAQSimpleCalibrationOptions contains options for the CWIMAQVision.SetSimpleCalibration method.
CWIMAQStraightEdgeCWIMAQStraightEdge represents a single found straight edge.
CWIMAQStraightEdgeOptionsCWIMAQStraightEdgeOptions defines the options used to detect straight edges.
CWIMAQStraightEdgesCWIMAQStraightEdges is a collection of CWIMAQStraightEdge objects. It contains one entry per straight edge found by CWIMAQVision.FindStraightEdges.
CWIMAQStructuringElementCWIMAQStructuringElement represents image processing structuring element data and properties that you can configure on a per-structuring-element basis.
CWIMAQTextOptionsCWIMAQTextOptions specifies how the text is drawn by CWIMAQOverlay.DrawText or CWIMAQVision.DrawText2.
CWIMAQThresholdDataObsolete—Use CWIMAQMultiThresholdData instead. CWIMAQThresholdData contains parameters to use with thresholding functions.
CWIMAQTIFFFileOptionsCWIMAQTIFFFileOptions specifies the options to use when writing a TIFF file.
CWIMAQViewerCWIMAQViewer is the top-level object for the CWIMAQViewer control.
CWIMAQViewerBackgroundOptionsCWIMAQViewerBackgroundOptions allow for the background of the CWIMAQViewer to be changed.
CWIMAQVisionCWIMAQVision is the top-level object for the CWIMAQVision control.
CWMachineVisionCWMachineVision is an ActiveX control that uses the CWIMAQVision and CWIMAQViewer controls to perform common machine vision tasks.
CWMVAxisEdgeOptionsCWMVAxisEdgeOptions contains parameters that specify the filters used to detect an axis.
CWMVCircleCWMVCircle contains properties that specify a circle.
CWMVCommonEdgeOptionsCWMVCommonEdgeOptions contains the parameters used by the CWIMAQVision.Rake algorithm and settings that indicate which results to overlay.
CWMVCoordinateTransformationCWMVCoordinateTransformation contains the information necessary to transform a CWIMAQRegions collection from the reference coordinate system to the measurement coordinate system.
CWMVCountAndMeasureObjectsOptionsCWMVCountAndMeasureObjectsOptions contains optional parameters used by the CWMachineVision.CountAndMeasureObjects method. These optional parameters include parameters to the algorithm as well as properties that indicate what overlays to add to the image.
CWMVFindCircularEdgeOptionsCWMVFindCircularEdgeOptions contains optional parameters used by the CWMachineVision.FindCircularEdge method. These optional parameters include parameters to CWIMAQVision.Spoke, as well as properties that indicate what overlays to add to the image.
CWMVFindCircularEdgeReportCWMVFindCircularEdgeReport contains the results of CWMachineVision.FindCircularEdge. These results include the edge points found, the fitted circle, and a measure of the fit accuracy.
CWMVFindConcentricEdgeReportCWMVFindConcentricEdgeReport contains the results of CWMachineVision.FindConcentricEdge. These results include the edge points found, the fitted line, and a measure of the fit accuracy.
CWMVFindCTUsingPatternOptionsCWMVFindCTUsingPatternOptions contains optional parameters used by the CWMachineVision.FindCoordTransformUsingPattern method. These optional parameters include parameters to CWIMAQVision.MatchPattern2 as well as properties that indicate what overlays to add to the image.
CWMVFindCTUsingTwoRectsOptionsCWMVFindCTUsingTwoRectsOptions contains optional parameters used by the CWMachineVision.FindCoordTransformUsingTwoRects method. These optional parameters include two sets of parameters to CWIMAQVision.Rake, one for each search area, and properties that indicate what overlays to add to the image.
CWMVFindPatternOptionsCWMVFindPatternOptions contains optional parameters used by the CWMachineVision.FindPattern method. These optional parameters include parameters to CWIMAQVision.MatchPattern2 as well as properties that indicate what overlays to add to the image.
CWMVFindStraightEdgeReportCWMVFindStraightEdgeReport contains the results of CWMachineVision.FindStraightEdge. These results include the edge points found, the fitted line, and a measure of the fit accuracy.
CWMVLightMeterLineReportCWMVLightMeterLineReport contains the results of CWMachineVision.LightMeterLine. The report stores information about the pixel intensities along a line.
CWMVLightMeterRectangleReportCWMVLightMeterRectangleReport that contains the results of CWMachineVision.LightMeterRectangle. The report stores information about the pixel intensities within a rotated rectangle.
CWMVObjectsReportCWMVObjectsReport contains the statistics for every object found by CWMachineVision.CountAndMeasureObjects.
CWMVObjectsReportItemCWMVObjectsReportItem contains statistics about a particular particle found by CWMachineVision.CountAndMeasureObjects.