Particle Method

NI Vision for Visual Basic

Particle Method


CWIMAQVision.Particle SourceImage, ParticlesReport [, Connectivity8 = True]

Return Type


On success, this method returns 0. On failure, this method returns a negative number.


Obsolete—Use ParticleReport instead. Detects and measures particles. The method returns a set of measurements made from particles in a binary image.


This method modifies the source image. If you need the original source image, create a copy of the image using the CWIMAQVision.Copy method before using this method.

Use this method with U8 images.


SourceImage As CWIMAQImage

The image containing particles to analyze. The image must be binary (a thresholded U8 image) with a border size of at least 2. Particles are areas in the image whose pixels have non-zero values.

ParticlesReport As CWIMAQFullParticleReport

On return, a report containing a set of measurements on the particles.

Connectivity8 As Variant

[Optional] Set this parameter to True to use connectivity-8 to determine whether particles are touching. Set this parameter to False to use connectivity-4 to determine whether particles are touching. For more information about connectivity, refer to the NI Vision Concepts Manual.

This parameter has a default value of True.


Private Sub Run_Click()
    Dim report As New CWIMAQFullParticleReport
    Dim Area
    Dim Orientation
    Dim X
    Dim Y
    Dim i
    ' Threshold the image inplace
    CWIMAQVision1.Threshold CWIMAQViewer1.Image, CWIMAQViewer1.Image, _
                            , , , 255

    ' Do particle analysis
    CWIMAQVision1.Particle CWIMAQViewer1.Image, report

    ' Calculate the area of each particle
    CWIMAQVision1.CalculateCoefficients CWIMAQViewer1.Image, _
                                        cwimaqParticleArea, _
                                        report, Area
    ' Calculate the orientation of each particle
    CWIMAQVision1.CalculateCoefficients CWIMAQViewer1.Image, _
                                        cwimaqParticleOrientation, _
                                        report, Orientation
    ' Calculate the center of mass for each particle
    CWIMAQVision1.CalculateCoefficients CWIMAQViewer1.Image, _
                                        cwimaqParticleCenterMassX, _
                                        report, X
    CWIMAQVision1.CalculateCoefficients CWIMAQViewer1.Image, _
                                        cwimaqParticleCenterMassY, _
                                        report, Y
    ' For each particle, display the Area, Orientation, and mark the center of mass
    For i = 0 To report.Count - 1
        Dim Text As String
        Dim oval As New CWIMAQOval
        Dim point As New CWIMAQPoint
        Dim textOptions As New CWIMAQTextOptions
        Text = "A: " & CStr(Area(i)) & "  O: " & Format(Orientation(i), "##0.00")
        oval.Initialize X(i) - 4, Y(i) - 4, 8, 8
        CWIMAQViewer1.Image.Overlays(1).DrawOval oval, cwimaqDrawModePaint
        point.Initialize X(i), Y(i)
        textOptions.HorizontalAlignment = cwimaqHorizontalTextAlignmentCenter
        textOptions.Style = cwimaqTextStyleNormal
        textOptions.FontName = "Arial"
        textOptions.Size = 16
        textOptions.ForeColor = vbWhite
        CWIMAQViewer1.Image.Overlays(1).DrawText point, textOptions, Text
End Sub

Blob Analysis Example
Particle Orientation Example
Circle Distance Example

See Also

